Dorothy Zbornak


This is the Bowling Green Massacre to which Kellyanne is referring...

I’ll be on a plane to Iceland, so I hope to god I can watch it on the flight.

But he didn’t seem to have an issue when he hosted SNL, right?

We want you to have ALL THE BABIES...but then when you have them, we aren’t going to give you maternity leave, and we’re going to make affordable access to quality childcare difficult... but seriously HAVE ALL THE BABIES.

So basically this government is made up of a bunch of unqualified, rich, ignorant assholes??

If dudes could get pregnant you’d be able to get birth control pills from fucking vending machines. A pack of M&Ms, a Diet Coke, and some orthotricyclen.

I read that in Alec Baldwin’s voice.

The President is proud to have been the first ever GOP nominee to mention the LGBTQ community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression

But not Saudi Arabia, lest we piss off people with whom our president does business with.

But then that leaves us with Mike Fucking Pence. Either way we are fucked hard in the ass.

Like my boss... who claims to have been a big shot at another brand (I’m a brand side marketer), and doesn’t know dick. He makes over 200k

Shall we open our own shop?

As recently as last week, I sat in a room with 4 males ages 46-67 as they all talked about the best creative strategies for a new advertising campaign for my company. Our product’s target is Women 50+ and Women 30-49 with children.


Pardon me, but when the fuck did my body become the Government’s property?

The whole “dead people are voting” is the movie plot for the David Spade/Chris Farley movie “Black Sheep.”

You’re very welcome. Because you know, it’s ok that he harassed the ever loving FUCK out of Obama for his birth certificate , even after he proved he was a citizen it STILL didn’t satsify that molded piece of head cheese.

It’s not about one tweet, it’s not about one picture, it’s about a constant theme. It’s about sitting here every time, and being told, “No. Well we don’t think he can do that, he’ll never accomplish that, he can’t win that, it won’t be the biggest, it’s not gonna be that good, the crowds aren’t that big, he’s not

My neighbors were part of Ringling Brothers in the 80s & 90s: Cowboy Mike Keever, and his wife Patti was an acrobat/dancer/showgirl. They were the coolest neighbors ever.