
Would make a good “Definitely not Teemo” Skin.

Ehh, I dont care anymore, I left that place 5 years ago. Truth be told, when you learn the margins this restaurant had pertaining to food, not to mention all summer long it is consistently a 2 hour wait from 11 to 8, giving out a free meal every now and then isn’t that bad. Its kinda like how wal-mart will sell

I dont mean to be a jerk, but these Indie game developers should maybe become a little more critical of their product if people are refunding it. I understand Steam is more of a buyer beware system since you didn’t always know what you were getting into, but maybe the sharp refund rate means their game isn’t as good

Agreed, I’ve had people like this before, but I always had the “The customer will forever be right” boss who rolled over every time.

From somebody who has been playing this game for a long time, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Tons of champs get a massive role reversal down the road, recently, their champion releases seem to stick and people figure out their niche pretty quickly, but people just complain that one is too strong, and then nobody

3 Seasons ago, yes, that was his strongest position, but he can’t handle the assassins and sustained mages who like to go mid now, LB, Ahri, Azir, Cass all can tear him up pretty easily

To be fair, he is much bigger in the EU and Asian servers over US. His last buff (which is far from what he will become in the future) was a good step in bringing him back up to par with several other ADCs, but currently, EU LCS him or Kalista are banned if they choose to ban an ADC. Koreans IMO see him the most.

I did the exact same thing

Thank you for mentioning FF: The Spirit Within, I sadly am not able to watch as much anime as I wish to, but for the non anime friends, this one is always met well due to the story. It is kinda wonky, but the story was very well told. And yes, more James Wood

You are more right than me I have discovered

Some crazy futuristic VR compatible first person shooter where the demo is all CGI but they want you to think its actual game play footage, then the game comes out, it induces seizures in 1/2 its players, and the other 1/2 doesn’t realize that you are controlling real tanks and soldiers with the game, then Robin

Stay in lane until level 10 is a must, there are a few exceptions to this rule

Sadly, I know it will never change, riot has come out saying all champions/balance is based off of summoners rift, they will never balance around twisted tree line or the laughable dominion map, also why you have a bunch of “broken” champs when you put them on howling abyss. Sadly, we will never see a new 5v5 map,

What champions are used isn’t the meta though, unless my definition of meta is incorrect.

I could be wrong, but I think this accounts more for incredible timing than his lag made all 4 of them come back.

This gnarsies guys is exactly why I avoid LoL forums and the subreddit, because some jerk off with some chip on his shoulder thinks he runs/owns the subreddit, and decides to make all the shit that goes down his business. I guarantee he is the guy at a tournament explaining to other watchers the proper etiquette when

Been playing since season 1, but the meta hasn’t really changed since season 2-3

No, the top tier characters shift, the meta stays the same.

I look at the meta the same way I look at Skynet.....once it was set in motion, it took a life of its own. Only way meta will ever break is if they completely overhaul how Summoner’s Rift works. Or add a new map, but lets be real, adding a new map has been an ongoing joke/best troll riot has given us.

No, because the way the radius usually works is, if you are in the center of the radius when its launched, you have enough time to get out of the circle before it detonates/activates. Soraka, Cho’gath, Viktor, all of them work this way, and I could be wrong, but his will work that way too.