I have a few theories expanding on your thinking here, and I have felt this way for a while.
I have a few theories expanding on your thinking here, and I have felt this way for a while.
This this and more this. Riot has basically wanked nidalee off for her entire existence in LCS. They finally nerfed her after watching her seige towers in LCS. Old nidalee would sit in the Jungle and throw spear after spear at the carries, most of the time doing 50% to 80% of their life with 1 or 2 core items,…
I am a 5 year League Vet, I play casually, maybe 1 or 2 games a day, but only when my other friends are free to play. I quit because I got tired of dealing with every ass hole imaginable on a free video game, aka LoL's community. When I posted on the forums the reason for leaving, I got trolled worst from the forum…
Wasn't there when the story dropped, he mentioned he fixed it.
No mention of which platform to pick it up on?
To be fair though, between Zed and Reksai, those two shouldn't have an issue taking out a carry and at least 1 surviving, Urgot is a threat 1v1, but his team fight phase is extremely weak, since he essentially can only deal with 1 person at a time.
This is America...when you want something, you get it......sadly this is true....
Lol, 6 years serving turned into 4 years (going on 5) of retail. Serving is ungodly harder, and even though I am in a management position, I still made more money serving at a shitty local burger joint on a Friday/Saturday night than I do all week working here. Not to mention the BS you put up with at a restaurant.
Wait a minute batman, you are telling me people prefer to pay these people money to watch them play video games, instead of using that money to purchase the video game and play it themselves?
That video is an amazing PR stunt, Nothing more
The gentleman came in with his video camera a couple hours later. The video started with the back of his television and then immediately cut to him masturbating on his bed for five seconds then back to the television.
That bugged DoT from that one Zul’Gurub instance where if someone had it during the run and teleported back to a city (basically Ironforge) it would spread to other players when they died. The whole city was wiped out in that epidemic.
LOL. If you want to see what it really looks like for a champion to change over time, just have a look at either Xin or Irelia.
I almost peed my pant laughing at your comment. Thank you for that.
Its ok, I've spent that much too, over 4 years of playing.....
I do not play anymore, but this was the most fun time I can remember playing
I played Syndra on release, and she was over powered 1v1, but nothing happened to her due to limited competitive play, in fact, all they have done is buff her pathing and mechanics to flow easier for the user, which makes her high risk high reward more like low to medium risk high reward.
You are going to find this problem with League sooner or later, and once you play some other MOBA, you will really see it. League will never be balanced, and riot does that on purpose. They purposely release overbuffed champions to force the players to buy them and learn them quickly while the old favorites become…
As a league player, I find that offensive
I'm not a regular on Jezebel, but I found this article to be very interesting. Thank you for sharing it.