
The term you are looking for is AD Caster/AD Bruiser/AD Ranged Tank/I"m trolling you for picking Urgot.

Just remember when playing this game, some champions are better in some phases over others. Urgot in fantastic in Early and Mid Phase, and 100% falls off in End game, he can't stand up to other ADC in damage, which is why people say he is "bad"

They have said, Poppy will only get nerfed, never get buffed or reworked. THey will only buff her if she sees competative play.

For the record, I tore up every team when I got him, since I know how to play him very well, and people are just getting terrible teams, so I would shine with him very well.

Season 1 Urgot player here. I dont even know where to start, but I'll try to organize my rambling into good points so you get the jist of it all.

1. IP CANNOT be used to purchase skins, the Author made an error in saying that

Classic Base Race! Too bad I spotted 2 instances where LB could have won that

I got a beta key already, followed by a "waiting for other players to join" just for the tutorial. I waited 15 minutes, then decided to go play Heroes of the Storm instead. Hopefully I'll be able to check it out tonight.

Also, if you ever want to play for fun or need some tips about the game, I will gladly go a few rounds with you. Fletche00 is my League name.

Good article, you pretty much hit the nail on the head what starting out is like, although, mine was quite different since I started during season 1, and everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) has changed since then.

6 months from when they posted it would be my guess.

Finally, I will be able to play Urgot again!

Let me get this straight, his first experiences being involved with this began at the age of 14. Then he said this

No Mention of Irelia nerfs?

And whats wrong with Olimar?

As a Colts fan, deflated balls wouldn't mean the Colts would of won, they got smashed, creamed, ran upon and basically gave the game away.