
Watch it! You're On Deadly Ground with that comment.

Movie Magic needs to be released on a dvd boxset.

I'll add these end themes:
Blaster Master [NES]
Low G Man [NES]
Summer Gamers II (Closing Ceremonies) [Commodore 64]

Rob: Pregnant lady who's name I don't knoooooooow. Makin' babieeeeeeeees.

As a gentleman, I'd prefer if they pick a blonde to play her.

Ali: Kate, you're drivin' me crazy!

Yes. All ROMS are worth tracking down. I've supported emulation for nearly 20 years.

"Beep! Boop! Waka waka waka! Video games sure have come a long way since the days of Pong and Pac-Man." Kill yourself. I guess your writing has come a long way since "Goo goo, ga ga."

I guess Paramount rejected my latest movie idea: A disgruntled Home Depot employee robs a series of banks with a screwdriver. I call it "The Screw Job".

My favorite episode was the one where someone stole all the background music.

YCDTOT would be upgraded to You Can't Do That On-Line.

Soundtrack by Blind Melon Chitlin!

Rainn Of Terror!

Her nipples need to be shown.

The scene actually lasts 2 minutes as announced.

I miss Grunge.

Skeet Surfin'

I liked the Fleas Skit.

I'm still waiting for "Hit Somebody".

I'm beginning to see the slice.