
Keep the change, you filthy animal!

The 1st season on dvd made a lot of changes to the music.

Les: Who unplugged my machine?

I had seen some of these episodes, one of my favorites was the drunk driving promotion.

…half of them I can't remember.

I'm gonna love runnin' this place.

Dat ees me in frunt of a brick vall fohr an hour and uh half. Da moovee costs 90 million dollahs.

She was in "Summer School".

I was really disappointed by this movie, but I'll tell you what I liked:
1. The Red Eye entering the real world, killing someone, and no one cares about it.
2. Jack Slater shooting the closet door killing whoever's hiding in the closet.
3. Leo's funeral (for the most part).
4. Fred Dekker.
5 The premier of Jack Slater IV.

Stand Back!


Raiders Of The Lost AARP.

I can't watch Growing Pains anymore.

I was hoping she'd try to escape, or overdose from anything that was smuggled in.

I see ugly people.

Talk about taking the piss out of her. Hey PTA,"Urine over your head!"

Is this the cast of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Too bad books can't talk, because if I tore up this book, it would say,"YOU'RE TEARIN' ME APART!".

That was test footage shot for something else.

The name of the song is "Song 2" from Blur's self-titled album.