
I keep my bike safe by keeping it locked up at home. That way it never gets wet and the chances of it being stolen go right down.

"We need to consider, as a society, that we've run out of decent ways to smuggle cocaine."

that video is excellent, had to watch it 3 times so everyone could have a laugh :)

Why do people with lots of tats lack metacognition? I have lots of tattoos and know exactly who I am and how my ink affects my life. Usually it works for me by setting up a prejudice in peoples minds that makes further interaction work in my favour, as whilst their minds are reeling from the fact that this long

Definitely got a laugh whether you get a star or a ban! Nice :)

zaxsk8 at gmail . com

10 million users and it's still in "limited field trial"?? When do the rest of us get a bloody go Google?

"Hence mother fucking physics aka the field of science that is actually the end all be all of science because physics can explain EVERYTHING. "

Meaning is in the eye of the beholder.

Damned funniest comment i've read in ages, thanks for the lols! :)

Brewster's Millions anybody?

Cycle machine and an xbox 360. Cycling on it's own is soooooo boring but playing a game (or even watching the fiance play) really makes the monotony of the exercise fly by. I might even consider reading a book! Don't know what to suggest about the food thing. To be fair I do love broccoli and all the other

zax, always, it came from playing the Airwolf arcade game when I was a kid and it was fast to input on the high score table.

Ooooh can I have one? I'll send you thoughts of doughnuts and ice cream! zaxsk8 at gmail dot com

No no no, you've got it all wrong. The planet was a lot smaller back then. See it works like this: The planet changes its size depending on the amount of content. Back when Noah was around there was only him and maybe a few other people since Adam and Eve so the planet was very small and everyone lived on the same

I think I understand. I want a tablet, but already having a laptop, desktop and smartphone in one room it seems like it would be overkill. I think the tech is cool, that's for sure but being an adult I have to think about what I would use it for before I bought it. Rather than just going "ooooh shiny!" and laying

Obviously no one else has seen Withnail and I. Which is a shame.

Well it does specify "may" in the title and in the body text: "Anyone who repeatedly refuses to take part risks a fine of up to £1,000". We didn't refuse, just didn't fill it out...!

Oh I don't know, my wireless Sony DR-BT21G headphones do the trick. 11 hours battery life is usually more than enough!

We've been telling them that for years, unfortunately they are blind and deaf to sarcasm.