
If I remember reading it correctly the threat of a fine was only for incorrect information. There was no actual requirement to complete the census.

Having lived in the UK for some years now I of course know all 40 of the country's inhabitants (including the queen) so I just popped round to Joanne's house to ask her. Apparently it's very simple. Jo has teamed up with Elliot Scientific to create nano-owls. These nano-owls, millions of them, will live in a phone

That pig is the cutest.

Really? I thought it might be some flapjack or an armadillo. Whatever it is she sure seems happy.

So...erm....what is she eating with those chopsticks?

S'ok, I understand. Was a big fan of Bricolage. Easy to listen to and exciting at the same time. After that I too was a bit "meh". I should really go back and give some of his later stuff a re-listen but time is short and music is everywhere!

Some people have such cool jobs (or places to stand...)

To get you back for papering over their dorm room door and filling the gap betwixt paper and door with ping pong balls.

I think Round Up may be a weed killer used by farmers. They buy beans that are immune to a particular weed killer so that they can kill weeds easily but not the plants they wish to grow.

I think it's because then it would be harder to see the bottom, and people like to see the bottom of pools. Probably so that they can see if there's any rusty shopping carts or sacks of kittens in the way before diving in.

The world seen through the eyes of Albert Lamorisse.

Wow, the art college that I work for runs a module for the first year photography classes where they build pinhole cameras. So at about the same time each year we see a bunch of weird looking sticky back plastic and gaffer tape covered boxes appear in strange locations around the place. We've not had a bomb scare

Nice, now all we need is a GPS tent locator and the techno-festival experience will be complete!

I'll third that, but I think that 138 cats might be more fun.

That could be the start of an excellent practical joke. You wait a couple of minutes for an elevator and when it goes ding and opens there are just shelves full of refrigerated produce, maybe have the light flicker on too for good measure!

True true, but isn't that for them to worry about and not us? It's still their site and we only come here because we want to. They don't really owe us anything. If they want to write 50 stories about Nelly the elephant and her drink and drug abuse then they can. Sure most of us who come here would probably go and

I'm pretty sure we don't. To my mind it's a bit like hanging out in a cool coffee shop. The rules for customers aren't the same as rules for employees, managers or owners. Take the recent site makeover for an extended example: It's their site, they can make it look however they like. We either stay here and enjoy

Laughed so hard *runs off to show other people* :)

"Yet another purpose..." What, pray tell are the original purposes?