
Yep, very true and frankly speaking this thing is damn near perfect for the beach. I live in CO, so that’s not so much a problem. There are totally use cases here still where this would be fantastic, but finding a fire-pit here either in a campsite or via dispersed camping is crazy easy.

Yep, very true and frankly speaking this thing is damn near perfect for the beach. I live in CO, so that’s not so

The circle there in the middle of the grill is an flap style opening that you just lift up to add more fuel.

The circle there in the middle of the grill is an flap style opening that you just lift up to add more fuel.

Well there was always the 25th Anniversary PS4 port...

My S4 with an APR Stg 2 kit runs well north of 400HP and still looks clean and subdued enough to not draw too much notice.

Thanks for this, I just bought one based upon your info. Had a old 65" Mitsubishi DLP that I use in the bedroom that had the lamp blow out over the weekend. It was $150 for a new lamp or $400 for this. Easy decision. Cant believe these are this inexpensive now, crazy.

Thanks for this, I just bought one based upon your info. Had a old 65" Mitsubishi DLP that I use in the bedroom that

Here, have a 48Hr Guest Pass.

Here’s a 48Hr guest pass.

Watched it last night. Reminded me a bit of Bubblegum Crisis (which pulls heavily from Blade Runner anyhow), in look and story points. Loved it.

Same here. Very well done. This would be an awesome seeing for a more detailed full 23 episode series.

This is fantastic. Congrats on the book and a killer concept. I have a 7yr old boy and he loves playing and watching me play games. I somehow got him hooked on playing Day of the Tentacle the other day when I downloaded on a whim while was on sale on the Playstation store. Not that he can read all of it, but all the

This proposal runs along the wrong axis for any real sense to be made of it. It needs to run East-West and connect Denver to the resort towns and possibly out to Grand Junction. I-70 traffic is ridiculous and building something to supplement ski traffic would be amazing.
With that said, building in the mountain

Now playing

I really liked the shoutout to Borderlands on Titan...

My clan specifically:

Yep, gaming has taught me that there is only so much coffee in the world that one can consume..

I have an insane job and a family with a 7yr old boy. My whole gaming time consists of a daily segment from about 10PM to 12PM (or later if I am feeling particularly like punishing myself the next day). But at least the consistency allows me to plan a few things I want to try and do in D2 like strikes and some

The Dads of Destiny clan feels you pain and is here to help.

While the fan is a nice feature, and absolutely essential in the camp stove, in my mind there is still no need for it in this format. Or at least the need is so small compared to just starting a normal campfire that it seems rather pointless. I just cant justify spending $200 on another large piece of gear that I

While the fan is a nice feature, and absolutely essential in the camp stove, in my mind there is still no need for

While I absolutely love my BioLite stove, I am not really sold on this. If you really need a full fire-pit, most times that is either available, or can just be dug/rock-ring. No doubt it’s very cool, but it seems bulky and unnecessary.

While I absolutely love my BioLite stove, I am not really sold on this. If you really need a full fire-pit, most

I did by accident the other day. Playing Destiny 2, stood up to grab some water from the kitchen and came back with controler in hand and stood and played for a few min.
I found that standing 2ft from a 65" 4k HRD set running on the PS4 Pro produces some damn good images up close. I also found out that the vertigo

Yep, 100% this. My media room is where I store all my geeky fun stuff and putting things in frames just make the whole thing look more organized.
I have a lot of old anime on LaserDisc that I collect for the artwork, and putting them in frames to display them is fantastic.