
I have a Shield Tablet showing up at my door tomorrow. So stoked to try this out.
I had almost purchased a Nexus 6 off contract the other day and talked myself down from the ledge and instead bought a MotoX '14 (which by the way has an awesome trade in deal going on) and a Shield Tablet for less than the $699 for the

Removed the V6T badges from the side of the S4. The lines are cleaner and avoids the inevitable "How's the turbo in that, it's actually a supercharger, why's it have a T then?" conversation.

Did the weekly at Lvl28 this way yesterday. Pretty straightforward. Need to try it on Nightfall.

Exceptionally good points. Especially about having a dedicated leader that sets the strategy and goals for the team. I did the raid at Lvl 26 with a team of people that I had done some strikes with. We still got our asses handed to us at the time portals as we were not geared up enough at that point to get past the

Yes, they grant bonuses based upon kills/missions. Weapons level up with use, enemies drop more glimmer, levels drop more materials and strikes drop more gear dependent on use. The bungie website is pretty good at displaying all this. Just look under Grimoire/Bonuses.

My experience doing it as Lvl27 with 2 Lvl28's in tow says that no, you need a fire team.

All of the Queens Wrath kill order missions were level 24 with modifiers. Tough, but nothing too hard. I ran the 1st story Archon one on my own last night and did fine.

Here is all the info on the bosses, rewards, etc.

Try the Queens Wrath, it's full of Legendary items.

Lvl 26 (as of last night) and hitting the Queens Wrath hard to load up for the Raid. Too much good legendary gear this way that would have taken forever to gather otherwise elsewhere.
PSN - Zaxxon55

Smaller, lighter, cheaper, and a touch faster (to 60).


Yep, the XE is damn nice, and had it been available (in supercharged/AWD trim) when I purchased my B8 S4, I definetly would have been a close decision, but I do not for one second regret my S4 purchase.

My white PS4 shows up on the 9th and will replace the PS3. Thanks for your service buddy.

Yep, I just picked this up for $67. Crazy.

Yep, I just picked this up for $67. Crazy.

I had my Jaybird Bluebud X's stolen the other day, so thanks for the heads up on the bundle. At least it hurts a little less this way when I replace them.

Reading through this list of tweets and messages 2 things became very clear to me.

One of the teachers at my son's preschool owns one of these. My 4 yr old practically runs over and hugs the thing every time it's in the lot. It's a good looking color choice for sure.

I love my DSG in the S4. It's fantastic. Sure it's not a manual, but when in paddle shift mode the shifts are sharp and precise and exactly where I want them to be. Can I modulate it as thoroughly as if I had a clutch, no, but then that's the trade-off here, and one that I did not mind making for the sake of

How about the user guides and such that came with them. These are sitting on my desk at home.

Playing FC3 now. Was in my backlog since I bought it with the last Steam sale. It's a ton of fun. Lots of missions and great single player gameplay. Good stuff and great for the price.