
Typically most high altitude testing is done up around Mt Evans. Seen lots of pre-production cars up there before.

As a gamer, thank you for making a beautiful engrossing game with a great story.

I still find it amazing that there are people out there that have never seen the Milky Way before. Growing up in Colorado, it's just there. Even here in Denver it's subdued, but on a good clear night you can still make it out, and when you head to the mountains, wow.

Its where they keep the wi-fi transmitter for the laptop for best signal. Duh!! ;)

Have that exact bike and have done the same thing. Here's what it looks like in my office.

:) I did not even know about this web premier until SickBeard auto-downloaded it for me..

Gotta be the ol' 486 DX2. Fuck, that thing was awesome back in the day when it came out. So fast, and the games, damn that was a good time.

Watches are efficient, and are one of the last bastions of male centric fashion accessories.

Now playing

Top Gear Top Tip. The hamster is awesome in a Bowler.

Due in part to the title, now I have an overwhelming desire to see some sort of techno-futuristic King Aurthur and the story of Excalibur movie, with robots, extremely powerful swords, and epic battles.

Hell to the yes.

I do find it rather hilarious that they approach me for a image such as this to use in a commercial to make it look big and powerful and then slap a "Do not attempt" on the end result. That was probably the least dangerous thing we did while playing around that day.

The funny thing about that, is this is my photo, and my brothers truck. :)

Holy crap, now that brings back some memories. Nice find!

Now playing

I love Studio Ghibli! Go check out Pom Poko as well, it's awesome.

LOL, awesome. As a SE Aurora person myself I laughed hard at this... :)

Agreed. The people that are there, are there to better themselves, the points just make it more fun. I have seen one or 2 cases where someone was gaming the system, but never outright lying about workouts.

I have 4 points based duels going on at the moment on Fitocracy. They are tons of fun. Lots of smack talking, and awesome people. Highly recommended.
