it's not like the Big Two are creating many new solo non legacy characters, much less featuring them prominently, giving them their own titles, or putting their marketing machine behind them.
it's not like the Big Two are creating many new solo non legacy characters, much less featuring them prominently, giving them their own titles, or putting their marketing machine behind them.
(like, a whole jiggly butt, plus almost half of a cheek from a different jiggly butt)
he is ~not terrible~ in that 17 Again movie, which is kind of Reverse Back To The Future
wait, is that what those Hot Tub Time Machine movies are about?
I'm usually pretty anti-remakes, but "a kid travels back in time to see his parents at his age and learns that 'kids have always been the same', and that helps him bond and empathise with them, but also lets him see thru the bullshit of the idealized idea that his parents (and their generation) hold of their youth"…
(…still not the most trouble Vigalondo has ever gotten into over saying dumb shit)
like, really momentous, you guys!
so momentous!
You are two months late on a straightforward, very basic, 30s. long mashup. We are starting to worry about you. Is everything A-OK at home, Internet?
well, yeah, Cracked still produces interesting stuff occasionally. I get the feeling the AVClub's just TV shows' plot descriptions, press releases and viral marketing now.
seriously, the best parts of the show were by far the filler episodes where they take a couple days off in between battles and spend them fishing and eating and just fucking around
Why would anyone visit Cracked daily anymore? I'd understand it in ye olden days when the Interwebs were a little less social-oriented and they were publishing interesting stuff regularly. But nowadays, in the very rare cases that they publish something that isn't bullshit, a rehash of something done better somewhere…
pretty much everything about the WEBBYS is terrible and soul crushing, but the fact that one of their main awards goes to the ad agency responsible for the most awarded stuff is kind of The Most Honest Thing In The Internet
eh, AD's season 3 wasn't all that great either
I'm sorry, Dancing-With-Turtles
"What Man Of Steel would look like with a less dreary color palette"
*It looks like Man Of Steel, but with a less dreary color palette*
Kevin Feige is way too old to be called 'boy'
If this movie's title really has the other meaning it apparently has, I'm guessing James is going to headline the sequel.