Are we sure this isn't somehow a Lance Bangs-directed Mad Men season 7 viral?
Are we SURE?
Are we sure this isn't somehow a Lance Bangs-directed Mad Men season 7 viral?
Are we SURE?
I liked this trailer, but it comes nowhere near as good as the last one. That was a great trailer. I'd say this one is more or less on par with the fist one, which wasn't bad at all. Maybe even a bit better, especially the novelty factor of the first one. Anyway, all in all, pretty good series of trailers. 8/10.
It's a reference to a time before the prequels, when old timey fans used the posible future existence of the foretold 'New Films In The Series' as a greeting, as in "MAY you see THE FOURTH movie during your lifetime", hence May 4th
But that one makes complete sense when you realice that the guy making these decisions in-universe is this entertainment business magnate with only passing interest in the actual science behind it all. Hammond totally looks like the kind of guy who choses that name because it sound really cool, and wants to put the…
"Bif! Bam! Pow! Superheroes don't just wear spandex anymore!"
It's not as much "rage" as "mild annoyance building up little by little for moths until it starts spilling out the top", but yeah bad day.
Stop it. Just stop it. Stop this kind of crap. It's not funny, it's not interesting, it's not half as clever as the author think it is.
I haven't seen this show since early season two and I have no idea what's going on, but that pic up there is hilarious.
Great job, person who choses pics.
I like that Louie's "African American Studies & History Professor" was just the "African American Studies & History Professor" from Chapelle's I Know Black People
yeah, and Mad Max is australian, and the 24 Hours of Le Mans is french, and F1 is huge pretty much everywhere but the states, and every single episode of German TV I've seen involved a big Autobahn crash and at least a couple audis flipping over in slow-mo. I get that. I'm not saying that America has a monopoly on car…
well, America worships cars because they are instruments -and icons- of freedom, mobility, and the thrill of speed. If anything, the weird part is that the rest of the world is not as car-obsessed as America
I just realized this is the fifth aniversary of Susan-Boyle-mania. I'd make a joke here but I suddenly feel half a decade older.
there is (was?) also the "gmail goggles", AKA their "you are sending a mail to your ex in the middle of the night of a friday, so you are probably drunk and this is a mistake. Here, solve these math problems to prove us wrong" feature.
Pretty great feature.
Aw man, Iben Hjejle! I've seen her in just three films: this, High Fidelity, and Klovn, and I love all three SO MUCH, to the point that I'm kinda afraid of watching anything else she's in and breaking her perfect streak.
so, when I read that proceeds will go to 826LA I instantly thought "great! more funds to The Dead Authors Podcasts", but then I realized that the TDAP is supposed to raise funds for 826LA and not the other way around and now I feel kind of dumb and I don't know if there's a point to this story but I wanted to share it…
there’s a certain pleasure in imagining all of these fairy tale worlds connect in some way[citation needed], as the video below proves through song[better source needed].
God's stance on thread counts got cut, sadly
"Colin Trevorrow" sounds like a name made up in the spot by a clumsy sitcom character, as in "Why yes, we do have a real director attached to our movie… what? his name? his name is… uhm… Colinnnn… Trevorrrr… row. Colin Trevorrow, yes. Very famous indeed. He has made… a comedy(?), about… errr… TIME TRAVEL. You've…
HAHA, NO. That site, Mediamass, is just a link farm. They have a bunch of standard article templates and a bunch of celebrities, and they just combine them and daily update the "posted on" date. That way anytime someone looks for, say "jennifer lawrence pregnant", or "lebron james death hoax", or "vladimir putin…
McSweeney good, Cracked bad. Got it. Thanks AVClub.