
I HAD THIS IDEA YEARS AGO, I swear to gawd, I'm just to lazy to actually do anything.
I could be rich now, INTERNET RICH.

aw man, is Emily Browning in this thing? I keep watching almost everything she is in, in hopes that any of it would be any good. No luck so far.

Bob Sagat was the Street Fighter character whose fighting style was "Kicks to the nuts and making people fall off ladders", right?

He was in The Spectacular Now which everyone seemed to love, and I probably would have, if it weren't for the fact that it starred two actors whom I inexplicably and unreasonably and hopelesly HA-A-ATE.
I don't know why, and I really really don't want to hate them (mostly because either one of them or both are in about

"We really have fought over the years to keep people's hands off Taxi Driver, to keep it from being a video game […]"

On the other hand, Harold will always be "that MILF guy from American Pie" to me.

What kind of idiot needs "an excuse for seeing The Lego Movie" anyway?

Well, if there's anything to learn from this piece and its comments is that there still are a whole lot of awesome people still alive. Let's celebrate and enjoy them while we can.


The "comic" only existed as the mythical unpublished drawings of a mentally ill genius. So, hipster catnip.

I tried to make one of these, but ended up with six minutes of me staring at monitors in the dark

My favorite part is the "becoming an inspiration to the rest of the world" line while showing (presumably) American roads… ending with an Autobahn sign.
I don't really care if it's just face-melting incompetence or some sort of… weird hidden freemasonic-ish message (I guess), the mind boggles either way.

Well, if a 6'2'' Australian Broadway star has been succesfully playing Wolverine for almost decade and half, I'm sure [this guy] has the potential to play [that character].

Jake Lloyd would've been just perfect

"So, hey, d- do your movies get a lot of Oscars?"

So Tragedy plus Comedy actually equals… Time plus two times Tragedy? Did I get that right?

I'm pretty sure they made that sort of thing illegal the day Don LaFontaine died, why are these people still at large?

Good to see the Year In Band Names stuff is coming early this year

Speaking of time travel and Timecrimes' writer/director/co-star Nacho Vigalondo, he also wrote/directed a spoof Back to the Future sequel for an Spanish sketch comedy show, about a middle aged Marty dealing with how disappointing the "future" turned out to be, also featuring middle aged Elliot from ET, the BMX