I’ve had both a car and a lawnmower with an engine for many many years, and I’ve never had the “natural” thought to place my lawnmower engine in my vehicle. David, you are a strange, strange man... that or you love good hyperbole!
I’ve had both a car and a lawnmower with an engine for many many years, and I’ve never had the “natural” thought to place my lawnmower engine in my vehicle. David, you are a strange, strange man... that or you love good hyperbole!
Yes, I know this and it’s even included in my post...
Most likely the developer that programmed the Elysian Chest expiration date/time has left and the few people left behind couldn’t figure out how to stop them from going, poof!
These types of carbide sharpeners are more accurately described as Knife Destroyers, not sharpeners. You’re better off using a rock or even the sidewalk to sharpen your knife.
These types of carbide sharpeners are more accurately described as Knife Destroyers, not sharpeners. You’re better…
Thank you for posting this, Ethan. You saved me from logging in to this dumpster fire of a game.
Ethan, your title should really have the phrase “in theory” added to it. These changes (in theory) make the game less frustrating, but the update and servers are so broken that you can’t really tell the difference between the game we have today and the one that was there yesterday.
Jason, can you speak about Casey’s mention of a “postmortem” next week? Normally, that’s a term used after you kill off a game. Any indication that Anthem is going to go the way of Andromeda?
And there wasn’t an in-game map. We had to go to Eqatlas.com and download and print maps that we kept in a huge binder. It was difficult to travel that we out leveled spells that were available to purchase because we didn’t want to make the trek to get them!
“A missed note brings your song to a close...”
Thank you for being an authentic journalist who investigates, interviews, and interprets the salient information and then formats and edits it so it is easily understood by the reader. Those are all qualities sorely missing from modern “journalism.” It’s too bad you write about games because this has Pulitzer written…
Except that enemies have hit scan and don’t need to see you to shoot you...
B3 should look amazing in 4k.
Whoever produced and directed that promo video is a talented genius! The timing for this one is perfect, it will release about the time I’m tiring of The Division 2!
I have thousands of dollars in glass, and this lens has given me the best photographs I’ve ever taken. Good enough to get published and loyalties no less!
I have thousands of dollars in glass, and this lens has given me the best photographs I’ve ever taken. Good enough…
What’s a smart way to travel with your prescriptions (other than the letter from doctor)? I have several large bottles because I get 90-day prescriptions. How can I take a week’s worth in smaller bottles?
While we’re at it, why is their character customization when we never see ourselves?
I’m finding the open beta of Division 2 to be a much more polished, bug-free, refined and enjoyable experience than Anthem weeks after release.
I don’t mind the low drop rate as much as I loathe getting some great drops then my game crashing and when I get back in, I’m standing in Ft. Tarsis without any of my hard-earned loot.
You get all the stars for referencing my beloved Everquest.