
My biggest issue with the story was its anti-religion agenda. At nearly every turn Aloy is preaching against religion and the protagonists are nearly all portrayed in a corrupted messiah-like image. Enough already, Guerilla Games; we get it, you’re a European company in a highly secular society. You’re pushing your

Some “writers” (air quotes) are jealous of great writing when they see it.

Both are a possibility.

And said Attorney 1 and 2 end up with an anonymous large payoff.

Frostbite game engine! Love it!

Yes. Yes, it can. 

You must have missed the upgraded screen on the 512GB model. Even if that screen is only $20-$40 more than the standard one, I don’t feel like I’m getting ripped off. Premium products always have an up charge. 

My receipt is time stamped 10:00AM PDT! Go me!

Only two groups of people salute: cops and the other one. You know this guy’s up to some shit on Telegram. Whatever demon lurks behind those eyeholes, I never want to meet.

Bob Newhart... The Newhart Show

I just picked up the game for the first time since 2011! Two weeks later and I’m already at level 60. Granted, I boosted to 50, but that run from 50-60 is the fastest leveling I’ve ever experienced in an MMO. It’s the first time I thought leveling went too fast!

Um, can’t you just print your online statement and then scan it into a pdf document, or better yet, print to pdf? I’ll admit that seems pretty convoluted, but it isn’t hard or anything.

“there is no problem with Xbox or PlayStation 4, to be honest,” Nowakowski said.

Point 3 was explaining WHY this is an employer-v-employer case and not an employer-v-employee case. The commenter questioned why Netflix was targeted and not the employee.

1.) Netflix has deeper pockets.

This is Kotaku... everything they do is “mindless.”

Here, I’ll save everyone from having to actually sit through this video:

The debate won’t really be any different. It’s like arguing politics, you’re never going to change someone’s emotionally held opinion, no matter your evidence.

It’s hardly a disservice since he (and the rest of us) don’t know with any certainty which SSDs will be approved or be able to predict their costs at that time. We the consumers are savvy enough to assume they will cost more on our own so it’s not like Sam needs to say this. 

If it would truly take you years to play through the titles, then I wouldn’t hesitate to get the PS5. During those years there will be more and more advanced AAA titles produced to take advantage of the PS5's capabilities and you’ll be able to enjoy those. If you only buy the PS4, then you’ll be missing out.