Oh Snap! That is one angry ostrich! I met him, me thinks. Your animals are da bomb.
Not so much my animals but I need to write something on Kapp'n. His songs and quips are the absolute best.
You have no friends to see your trophy collection? Really?
Ah but can I, as the all powerful and more awesome brother Luigi, stomp on Mario?
You what...?
ooo, harsh...
It's cool...backing off
I'd karate chop you...
bwahaha, good one, Novis.
Smart move, Cheroro. Smart. Move.
As long as TUT doesn't come around with his shovel and cover me up while I'm there...
bwahahahahaha. I heart you, Shar.
Run away from our bears, Shar and Novis?
Hmm, as much as...I kinda want to do that, the game's not ridiculous unless Resetti's there... No! I want everyone in my town. Even that hateful mole!
I'm seeing this "donation of bells" to public works projects and suddenly I'm feeling very wary of what I can expect from my fellow TAY'ers...