Oh heeeeeey, T. Fancy meeting you here. O.o
Oh heeeeeey, T. Fancy meeting you here. O.o
Heh, it's cool, Evan! It happens. TUT forgets things all the time...
Yes! I was looking forward to your review. I got mine a couple of weeks ago and did not take great pictures but man, it's beauuttiifffuulll...
Hey edible foodie! Post it in the open forum tomorrow and we will make sure it gets seen and added. Sorry if you got this sorted already. Open forum goes up at 10!
You wouldn't... come around in my town and act a fool, would you, UI?!
GBD, is that you?
Beary, beary sad
Yeah, seriously... we don't want another Novibear curled up in the corner situation again. =,(
I'm going to visit you first, T.! 5 in the morning...skulking around your town. Doing...stuff.
Really? O.o
Ha, yeah it is. I mean, I might actually play BOFIV while I'm playing AC. But I know just how evil AC can be. I will stay up every hour just to see what's going on in town. I HAVE A PROBLEM.
Helping you out!
Awww, let me help you out by responding to your comment.
Duly noted.
Yeah! Come at me, Shar!
Yeah, no...I definitely do it better.
I pity you because at least my lollygagging is executed with fierceness.