Zarlos Cambrano

Your grandaddy drank a lot, didn’t he?

“Also, Puja is a woman.”

Counterpoint: Which one is farting?

You heard me.

Ignore him; the guy is an asshole and a troll, and he does this all the time. Not only is he practically always trying to misrepresent climate change, I’ve seen him attack other earth sciences as well (like ecology), and he frequently engages in hypocrisy as well. If people would stop pulling his posts out of the gray

It looks like he’s announcing that the secret ingredient in Kitchen Stadium is shark meat.

9836. Getting run over by a bus.

Dabbing Dipshit Dibs Dumb Debate, Dismisses Dabbling Doofus Dibble

It might be time for the Mets to convert Harvey into a reliever.

This injury could prevent him from truly developing as a steady Number One.

I don’t disagree

Reliable dog is best dog

Labs, the Toyota Camry of dogs

I think this joke also works for Greg Oden.

Have a hug buddy. *hugs*

“It’s a shitload of money, and probably enough to mean Oculus will remain mostly niche.”