
"I don't see why this is some big thing, though." - the general intent of every other comment on AVC

Do not disparage the power of Gilfoyle.

"Maybe she's just fucking all of them."

"I spilled coffee on it. I'm a nerd."

Liquidating In The Name Of

More like Prophets of Owning A 4-Bedroom House in Brentwood with a Cadillac SUV Parked Out Front, amirite?


Damn hipsters, having no reading comprehension.

How do you date a house?

The Winchester House is definitely a tourist destination, but tourist trap? Not really. I've been there several times, and it's always worth the money. There are flashlight tours at night that are pretty creepy, too. If you're near it, see it.

You might as well be shoveling handfuls of cancerAIDS directly into your mouth.


Well, there has been, but we'll let it slide to humor you. Knock yourself out.

I caught that too! Great detail. Probably his first job right out of college.

Surely I'm not the first person to think of this (yeah, I called you Shirley), but 10 bucks says Bighead swoops in at some point with his twenty million dollars and saves the day. Once you put a Bighead on the table, you have to use it.

"You're leaving me with the cheddar?"

My theater went the fuck off. I was literally hoarse by film's end. I think I heard someone giving birth. A transcontinental ocean liner was christened with champagne.

I don't think I even heard it due to all the screaming going on in the theater BECAUSE MOTHERFUCKING GIANT-MAN WAS ALL UP IN THAT BITCH

I rarely completely lose my shit in a movie theater, but tonight, I completely lost my shit in a movie theater. Giant-Man knocked me flat on my ass.

It's easy! Put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Oops, I mean lever. I'll have your sticker ready for you when you're done.