
The Bernie Sanders Effect. MAGICAL GRANDPA CAN DO NO WRONG!!!1!

I loved both new Tomb Raider games (although I prefer the first to its sequel), although I'm a bit sick of seeing Lara in cold climates. The older games like Underworld and Anniversary had her in the jungle, while these are almost exclusively in RAIN STORMS and SNOW and HURRICANES and ugh. Too much.

That was just their new record, snowflakes.

The soundtrack for that glue industry documentary had THREE Dawes songs on it, I'll have you know.

Nerds of the '80s inherit the pop culture world, spend their adulthood explaining to subsequent generations why that world sucks. Got it.

It's WOMAN, you dipshit. That drives me crazy.

How many hand jobs per hour were you able to give?

It's fine, Barbara. I ran it under a cold tap.

Does he swing/from a web
No he can't/he's a pig

It's nice to have a new Spider-Man/Peter Parker that doesn't look 34 years old or way too cool to hang out with me.

Damn, that stuff always costs me extra.

Congratulations to Patton for being engaged to the woman I still have a crush on for 'Dream A Little Dream'.

Your mom does all kinds of things.


A 10-episode master class from Michael McKean (wait… was he in every episode?). It should be shown in drama classes for years to come.

Vanessa Bayer needs to come back to SNL to play Kushner if this is all still going on come next season. She'd nail it. Preferably with a touch of that little Jewish boy on Weekend Update in her characterizations. Their vocal intonations are exactly the same. He looks and sounds like he's up there giving a goddamn book

Oh dear! Mildly inconvenienced AGAIN!

Keep boycotting, assholes!

Did someone having a Stark internship create that poster?

Watch on a laptop and there's a little button marked SKIP INTRO on the bottom right. If you're watching on TV, it's 5-6 clicks to the right on the remote. As much as I love this show, I cannot stand that song.