
He is? Fuck yes.

The show wasn't on last week because of Memorial Day in the US. It returns this Monday. But yes, the new episode appears to be up now on the torrent sites, but I wouldn't know anything about that.

He's a game show host, not a documentarian. It's kind of his job to be a cheerleader for everyone, just like it is for him to dump on someone if they're being an asshole. Which he does do quite a bit. It goes both ways.

Jared's always on fire. That guy fucks.

Not sure what your point is. We seem to have the same opinion.

I think her whole season edit was an apology from the producers for the way she went out at the end. They took every chance to make her look like the people's hero all the way through, which led me to believe for a while that she was going to win. I even read a spoiler months ago that she did, which I'm very glad was

She won twice. It's deserved.

Why should Cirie get some kind of special immunity just because everyone else actually did have some kind of immunity to play?

And she looked gorgeous, to boot. Far better than Sierra and Andrea, who looked like they just got blasted with Homer's makeup gun set to 'Whore'.

Agreed. There was far less showboating, and no one trying in vain to make the big, flouncy Sue Hawk speech. Imagine having to listen to Debbie yelling for two minutes. Ugh. I hope I never see her melting face ever again.

He looked like a high school football coach who got forced into teaching home economics for a semester.

I realize that, and admitted my mistake.

No, I'm definitely wrong here. I went back to a few eps last night and looked.

Ah, good point. I figured they might've been battery powered (which still would've been electric), but going back and looking, they're definitely gas. My mistake.

Oh yeah. For sure. That's all I could think about after the bar scene. Fuck making commercials (although it's fun watching Bob do that). Slippin' Jimmy's gonna be back in a big way.

Isn't he using LED lanterns, though? Do LED lanterns give off enough heat to start a fire? I genuinely don't know.

You are so very wrong about McKean. He's the MVP of this show without any question.

"I hate to invoke the Nazarene, but Jesus Christ, Richard? What the fuck?"

Sorry, I've reached peak don't give a fuck. I'll be at the bar.

The whole middle section and ending to Jane's Addiction's 'Three Days'.