I'd like him to get at least a nomination for this one. There are a few fairly modern songs in the film that were clearly chosen by Quentin, as well. I dug all the music a lot.
I'd like him to get at least a nomination for this one. There are a few fairly modern songs in the film that were clearly chosen by Quentin, as well. I dug all the music a lot.
It was very pretty, but the studio rep who introduced it said that it was a work print and still needed a bit of color correction and such. To be honest, I'm not sure. I'm going to the 70mm presentation though for sure.
And holy SHIT, is the new Morricone score awesome. Just the opening credits music gave me chills. There's not a large amount of new score, but when it's there, it's fucking THERE.
I think it was in 70mm. The opening credits stated as such, so probably. Not sure if that's on every print of it, but it was definitely mentioned.
She does. She's a demon. Not literally (yes, I felt the need to explain that because the internet is full of a bunch of dummies), but just watch.
I saw a 2 hour and 45 minute cut of this movie about a month ago at a preview screening, and QT was sitting two rows in front of me the whole time. So that's what church feels like.
"Some shitty, dismissive comment about a movie I'll never see that I made while waiting for the pizza rolls to be done."
That show did Greek tragedy just so damn well.
That episode where he and Ben are in the hotel room in New York City. Like a one-act play. Astounding.
The back-to-back shockers of Ana Lucia and then Libby immediately afterward knocked me flat on my ass. Total chaos that fit the character and context of the scene perfectly. Harold Perrineau was amazing in those episodes. The desperation on his face with those two deaths was just so damn real.
There was one shot in an episode that happened right when it became apparent that Locke had become MIB. The lighting was set up so one half of his face was dark and the other was brightly lit, and the expression on his face was like he had become a different person. A bit on the nose perhaps, but O'Quinn sold every…
Clearly you are history's greatest monster. lol
Wait, do you mean Maggie Grace's character Shannon or Michelle Rodriguez's character Ana Lucia? Shannon was killed in the jungle, Ana Lucia was killed in the hatch.
I loved Locke too, but the great part about killing him off is that we got to see another entirely different side of Terry O'Quinn's acting range. He went places with MIB that we never would've gotten out of Locke.
Part of me wishes Eastman was a painter who had spent his whole life trying to get one of his paintings made into a stamp. He was only successful once, but it was merely the three-center.
Oh, it did. The woman who did it lasted a few more weeks in the competition because of course she did.
That too.
Not with a bajillion dollars in the bank, he isn't.
Toronto-based electronic musician Brian Borcherdt, best known for his work with Holy Fuck should probably go listen to a Patton Oswalt record or two.
Still waiting for it…