Cyberpunk? An apolitical genre? LOL. As Mike Pondsmith himself has said, everything is political.
Cyberpunk? An apolitical genre? LOL. As Mike Pondsmith himself has said, everything is political.
I’m confused, and I don’t know if it’s due to a typo, or some missing logic. As far as I can tell, Gabe is agreeing with the people, the same people you conclude aren’t agreeing with Gabe.
I think the only minor change I can suggest to complete the PS1 aesthetic would be to dirty up the audio to make it sound like it was recorded in the dev team’s storage closet, as so many games seemed to be done. Background echoes were so common back then.
Yeah, cheesy tactics have been standard in FromSoft games, especially in the various games/series that evolved into the Souls games. Even the dissimilar series, like Armored Core.
dire physical health of First World War draftees
I think DS2 had a similar situation? Or maybe that was just overly deadly enemies in the starting area? It’s been too long and I can’t remember. I think DS1 was close to the Elden Ring situation, in that you could start with the one keepsake key that would let you unlock the side entrance for Blight Town, though it…
This is really neat. The Souls games have a lot of echoes from this game’s design and the designs of Eternal Ring and Evergrace (also on the PS2).
Game pricing, especially in stores, is pretty bleak for all games. Most games make most of their sales in the first week or month, and after that point the price almost always drops.
While the suplex is the most famous thing now, FF3/FF6 had all kinds of quirks famous to fans at the time. What about the random glitches that maxed out gear and caused other weirdness? What about the weirdness that might occur when using the Vanish / X-Zone combo? What about the rumors about saving/resurrecting…
That’s so odd. From the little I’d heard I thought they might just be reworking the CG cutscenes from the PS1 version. But mixing in 3d terrain in random spots is just confusing. Ideally it would be all or nothing.
glitches big time (for mysterious reasons, of course)
Players will need the actual card in order to legally play the game, whether that be a paper card, a card on Arena, or a card on MTGO
For most uses of NFTs it probably wouldn’t violate copyrights, because most NFTs don’t store any actual digital object, they just have a link to the object in question. So most NFTs are essentially a receipt (proof of purchase and ownership). Since the URL that the NFT points to can be anything, hypothetically it…
Good callout. I forgot about that one.
True. That might be the situation used by the game, at least if each actor’s roles aren’t supposed to be blood relatives to each other.
The Multi-Role System is my new favorite murder mystery concept
I would guess you’re right, that their QA department is deliberately hiring young workers for to keep costs down. QA is one of the areas that most of the games industry undervalues and deliberately skimps on. It certainly doesn’t help that most industries see no issue with soaring CEO pay.
Is 369 scrap a lot in DL2? I haven’t played the game yet so I have no context. Is that the same item as the metal scrap from the first game? If so, that’s a ridiculous amount of scrap, at least by DL1 terms. So, unless DL2 is more free with giving resources, most people will only be able to make about 2 of that item…
saying he only made an estimated $320,000 over seven years
Thanks for the heads up. Yeah, day-1 server problems are pretty much the norm these days, unfortunately.