
And here I thought there were only a few 40k games. I guess my issue is that I see Warhammer 40,000 at the beginning and skip over the rest of the title, just assuming it’s the same game I saw a few weeks or months back. My first thought certainly wouldn’t be, “this might be a new game because they’re release 10 games

I didn’t realize there’s enemy scaling. So far it’s seemed like I’m doing better over time, independent of my playing skill. That makes me wonder if the Switch version has a fix/patch for that, or if maybe the enemy scaling is slightly less than player progression. As I’ve leveled up my stats the game has definitely

I think I still have a PS2 controller with teeth marks.  I think it was due to one of the harder missions in GTA3?

I can’t recall throwing a controller in many years. I mainly broke out of the habit because I started worrying it might damage the console if I threw it too hard in the wrong direction (this was in the PS2 era with wired controllers). Ironically, I never damaged a controller until after I stopper throwing them. Some

I’ll probably play Remnant with friends tonight. We played last year and got bored early on, though there were only 2 of us at the time. Recently another friend suggested we play it with him, and it’s been much more fun with 3 people than 2.

I feel like Pandemic could also be included, though I suppose it might not be as fun solo for others as it was for me. Then again, I was playing the version available on Xbox, so the lack of setup and clean up could be a deciding factor.

I feel like Pandemic could also be included, though I suppose it might not be as fun solo for others as it was for

The tricky part there is how much of the satire was already an aspect of the Postal games. From what I know of the games I’m not sure Boll deserves much credit for it.

It could have had spots on both the good and bad lists. Good: the final product of the Sonic movie. Bad: the original Sonic movie trailer.

At least the video did MK justice, for the most part. The acting wasn’t so much bad, but over the top, which fit with the spirit of the games.

Or Far Cry. Or Postal. Or the Dungeon Siege movie. The video might have been better off just saying “#1 worst: literally everything by Uwe Boll”, then having extra slots for non-Boll movies.

I haven’t watched the video yet, so I’m not sure which movies are covered, but I’ve always been of the opinion that the first Mortal Kombat movie is one of the very few video game movies that is true to both the spirit and content of the games, while also being fairly entertaining. Most game movies end up being only

Still no Cory In The House?  Come on Disney! /s

Has anyone played Resurrection side by side with the original Ghost’s & Goblins? From what I’ve seen of Resurrection it looks like the game is just higher difficulty overall compared to previous games in the series. At the very least I’ve seen more enemies, especially of the types that are difficult to attack (like

Ugh, it would be so cringey, but you’re probably right on that.

Oh no, what if they put in a terrible deepfake cameo of Raul Julia?  Do they own The Addams Family?

At the very least Space Jam 1's antagonists were space aliens. Space Jam 2 has... Cyberspace I guess?

Were you born before Space Jam was released? Then yes.

I have questions, and I fear that many won’t be answered, even by the movie. So the ‘space’ in Space Jam 2 is cyberspace instead of, you know, actual outer space? On a side note, is ‘cyberspace’ even used anymore? I feel like it fell out of common usage like 15-20 years ago. Also, if the protagonists in cyberspace and

when he gave me constructive criticism, I took it, and I listened

I could be remembering wrong, but weren’t vests a common women’s fashion trend in the 90s?