
Like a number of other “zombie” properties, the monsters aren’t zombies in the traditional sense because they aren’t undead. I only about 25% in, but they appear to be humans that are infected with a disease, so they can be killed by all of the same things that can kill humans.

I’m reminded of the “blood font” used for so many metal bands’ albums and shirts, if only because it is equally illegible. In both cases it’s almost like pareidolia. Once you know what they’re supposed to say then you can sort of see it, but otherwise it looks like gibberish at best.

This is one of the few advantages of my busy work schedule, which means I’ll end up playing the majority of the game with the better patches.

I’m glad this will be including something new/unique. I believe that most of those games have already been released in various other Genesis collections (such as Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection). Now I’ll have a reason to buy the Genesis mini.

From my vague recollections the problem wasn’t how the story was told, just that there wasn’t a ton of story to tell. I believe that the majority of my play time was doing the side tasks, like finding sewers to raid, driving through races, and playing some card game.

Barret’s voice actor, Beau Billingslea, is a wonderful actor, most famous for having played Jett in the English dub of Cowboy Bebop. In the trailer for the FFVIIremake, though, he sounds like he’s about to start speaking in tongues in church. Yes lawd!

I suspect that Daenerys will end up melting down the throne, though that’s mainly because of her “break the wheel” speech. It would be somewhat subversive if she “wins” the game, then decides to destroy the throne and convert the kingdom’s government from monarchy to something else.

“Whose bright idea was it to put one of the swords edge-up in the seat?”

Yeah, the “this looks like a game from [some other console]” claim is almost always bullshit, especially if it’s meant to disparage the game and/or console. Ironically, the first time I can remember encountering it was a guy claiming some PC game (I think Path of Neo?) “looked bad, like it was from the PS2", even

Probably Days Gone on my own, and probably some random co-op games with a friend of mine on Saturday. I still have a few games on the backburner, such as Spider-Man, Warriors Orochi 4, and several others that I’m blanking on.  I’m also still grinding through Plague Road on Switch.  It’s weirdly addicting for me.

That’s true, but I’m curious how common that is. Like, is it only mentioned with items where they have a great advantage? Or is it just random? I think the tricky part is that there’s basically no in-game way to find out monsters’ stats to confirm their strengths and weaknesses.

Yeah, I feel like the game never even tries to explain what kinds of resistances the enemies have. Like so many things, I think it’s left up to the player to figure it out if they want to.

Many people say that, but the MPAA can be incredibly fickle. For instance, if I remember correctly in Once Upon A Deadpool, Deadpool himself says they’re limited to something like 1 f-bomb and 2 ‘shit’s. However, the movie uses ‘shit’ way more than that.

Well, an “edge” for the kids.  It’s not like parents haven’t already encountered all possible variations of those jokes.

Now I really want to see that exchange, if only because John Leguizamo hated the Mario Bros. movie. It would probably devolve into them ripping on their own movies to prove which was worse.

I think Horizon is worth completing for the story, though if you’ve been away for a long time you might miss or forget certain important plot points.

I’m planning to continue with Days Gone on my own, and when my friend is online we’ll play either Far Cry or Saints Row 2.

I really liked the scenes from Avengers 1. In particular, Past Hulk’s “too many stairs” moments, and Future Banner/Hulk halfheartedly smashing things.

To be fair, almost all of the emulation consoles and handhelds are sketchy as hell. They probably work just fine, but quality definitely isn’t priority one on any of them.

Ah, that’s kind of neat. I was under the impression she had issues with Marvel and didn’t want to do any Marvel movies after Thor 2.  The fact that she did some voice work, even just a little, is pretty cool.