
If you look at the complete sentence, it only says that the CARDBOARD APPLICATOR is flushable.....

This a such an oversimplified and just straight up incorrect version of the story. Last time I checked, almost dying in battle != leaving your friends with different political views behind.....???

And yet the school district’s response:#notallstudentathletes

So I believe this article was a little unclear in different parts. It seems that she sends then pictures back of their family members’ (sisters/moms/partners) Facebook as a threat that she COULD contact them so easily, shattering their feeling of anonymity and creating an insurance policy that they will stop what they

I think the reason why it seems as though racism in America is worse is because racist behavior is actually an issue that is discussed. Issues with cops targeting black civilians and the shit going down at universities in Missouri are actually brought to the attention of the mainstream media and discussed/condemned

For anyone looking for an excellent book for children for sex education, might I recommend “what’s happening to my body?”. I was given a copy in third grade with an open invitation to ask my parents any questions I may have. It is a thorough book in terms of mechanics, intimacy, puberty, and desire. She even attempts