Zardoz Mobile

Deletion of a multiple post. Courtesy of the ever-useful Kinja.

Blame it on viewers who think the shows are puzzles to be solved instead of entertainment to be enjoyed. Last season other, more subtle observations were drowned out by “William is the MiB and I can prove it” posts. This season’s fractured single timeline reduced the “I figured out the twist” posts to none.

Fair enough, but your comments give me a better analogy: Marvel’s mutant stories. Do you ever identify with the X-Men and their quest to “find their place”?

Where’s the reflecting pool?

Not “wrong” so much as “missing the point.” You could make the same “why should I care” observation about any fictional character or situation. “Why should I care if Luke blows up the Death Star”, for instance. “He’s not real, and neither is the Death Star.”

4. (Sigh) First, there was only one timeline; the writers were merely jumping back-and-forth to different segments of the same timeline, using Bernard’s de-addressed memories to tell the story. Second, the “obfuscation” as you called it kept the audience from obsessing over “twists” instead of paying attention to the

But the nonlinear time also kept the audience from guessing the Dolores/Charlotte connection before Bernard did. So at least the writers hid this season’s twist well enough that this year’s discussions weren’t dominated with “I know the twist” posts.

Loyalty to Ford does not imply Stubbs was a host.

As far as “simpatico with Ford” goes, Stubbs practically said as much in his speech to “Charlotte”. And after the time he spent this season getting sidelined and disrespected by Delos personnel, it’s not even necessary for Stubbs to have been a host for him to look the other way when “Charlotte” leaves the park.

It’s a world of raptors
And so much more
But mostly it’s made up of
You might want to live there
But you’re not so sure
It’s a Jurassic World after all

Thanks for the clarification. This really is a series that requires the viewer to pay moment-by-moment attention.

Since the purpose of The Forge was to store guests’ identities as digital data, my guess is that Dolores simply swapped the hosts’ identities for the guests’. 

Lee’s speech was consistent with his penchant for over-blown dramatic gestures. After all, the speech he delivered was the one Hector never got to finish in the pilot.

I like the idea of William’s “fidelity” test occurring in the future. It would explain why a host-version of MiB was standing by in the examination area while eliminating the necessity of William having been a host all along.

So the “surprises” you wanted weren’t the ones you got, Zack?

Spoiler: it was curry. 

The “huge twists” you cite are fan wanking. I trust writers who can come up with “synthetic robots, 3-D printed from protein” a lot more than fans who think repeating the same plot point ad infinitum* exemplifies good writing.

I like your idea, but wasn’t “The Forge” Demos’ facility to begin with? The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper...

Let’s all please addsome white people” to the lexicon of these discussions. Because the word “some” is not generally assumed, and omitting it just throws metaphorical fuel onto the metaphorical fire.
