
Well, when you have a Dotard for a president, who says many bad things, badly, and angers many others, what do you expect? I’ve read more than a few passing comments of “He’s going to kill us all.” in relation to said Dotard. So yeah, games that take place after the fall of mankind showing up more frequently makes

In the realm of fairness, this is one of those things that has always, always bugged me about movie posters. They show a huge ensemble, and list almost all the names, but it’s always one or two get left off. I’m of the opinion, that if you’ve made the poster, your goddamn name should be listed. Plain and simple. That

Well, reading some of the replies here, I can totally understand why Sean Murray went silent after the No Man’s Sky launch mess. I get why people were mad about the game, but holy shit. What they did was just harassment of Hello Games, and it went on for months. It’s like no one has learned not to ever pre-order, or

>Next up was NBC News’ Hallie Jackson, who asked point-blank: “Yes or no, does the president truly believe that Democrats hate Jews?”

Username is an impossibility.

>“forty year old dudes....this isn’t for you.”

Fallout 76 was an Alpha marketed as a full AAA game. They had no business releasing the game in the state it was in, they knew it, and did it anyway. Inexcusable.

The crimes against steaks alone should be grounds for impeachment.

Still have my original disc(s)(+Hellfire). But my current PC no longer has a spot for an optical drive. Might upgrade just because.

Oh look, someone made a “game” about rape. Come on now. This is just reactive trash, created to upset the “outrage culture” groups, generate publicity, and to make a few bucks before inevitably getting pulled, and the developers vanish in the wind. People are still pulling this scammy shit in 2019? Ugh.

Who needs Pagan Cults to summon anything anymore?

Wow. I got the knife heirloom on the second box I opened. 500$? Just, wow.

And Dr. Dre said... nothing you idiots!

Reading conspiracy theorist fan-fiction makes my brain hurt. A lot.

Still shit beer.

>“I’m told this is where Bill and Monica ...”

If Tomi Lahren were a Spice Girl, her name would be Yeast Infection.

The guy has been in TV commercials, has sponsors, and has a lot of kid fans. He kind of had to clean up his language. There’s a lot of money involved in what he does, and he has to be appealing to everyone. Any streamer with that much going for them would have done the same thing as him.