
Just about any Dukes Of Hazzard episode. Duke boys make some impossible jump with the General Lee, and upon landing, you see the suspension literally collapse, but no, they drive off just fine in the next shot.

Who even asked for a Live Action Sonic movie? Who? Who would do that?

OR “Let’s add a cup of Capers!” to this recipe just to jazz it up.

Skrillex ruins everything. You can’t change my mind.

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Fuck Chuck Norris for this in particular. Of the 3 Norris movies I had in my movie collection, they were promptly smashed and tossed in the trash after this came out. I kept Way of the Dragon since he’s a minor character in it. Plus it’s always enjoyable to see Chuck getting his ass beat by Bruce Lee.

Hope it has a fair price for a game that can be 100%’ed in roughly 2 hours.

How does someone who played in two of the most laid back bands of the 70's turn into a right-wing ninny? Bizzare.

Oh, bother.

Kate McKinnion made me laugh once. Once. Everyone else was terrible and unfunny. Hemsworth could have been great, if his character hadn’t been written as literally too stupid to be alive.

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Trumpy! You can do Stupid Things! via @YouTube

Not really. I would have to spend cash on it.

Not defending what will probably be another bad Hollywood turkey, but opening your movie with somone wielding a giant Gunlance, or some other physics-defying sword, would just make them laugh at the absurdity of it. Since the Resident Evil sequels ended, I think this is their idea of trying to create a new franchise.

Best fucking headline I’ve read all morning!

You get a star for this info! Haven’t turned my Xbox on in a few weeks. Had no idea it was currently free. Thanks mate!

Well at least people can’t complain about them whitewashing the cast, considering the source material. Mikasa is supposed to be pretty much the only Asian, while the rest are European, ect. But, it is Hollywood, so I won’t hold my breath about their ability to fuck it up royally. 

They’re probably risking physical harm to their bodies by doing that. I mean, what usually happens to your body when you try to do something it’s not capable of?

I’m in the same boat. Same deal with phone, same Android version. Suuucks.

Supernatural should end with the sun exploding. It would be pretty damn funny, honestly.

>I would imagine the controls for just about any game would feel fudgy after having spent the bulk of 4 years in Destiny.

After his reply about the Saudi cover-up being badly done, (Despite believing them 200% innocent just a few days ago.) rather than condemn it and call it horrifiying, I expect Trump to reply with “They should have had timers on the bombs. That would have worked much better.”