[scribbles down idea for a horror game]
[scribbles down idea for a horror game]
Despite the article being about and featuring pictures of terrifying animatronic monstrosities, the most disturbing image in the post is photo of Mitch McConnell.
I’m still wondering why Bungie never commissioned novels in the Destiny universe. The game has great and interesting lore, which would make for a fine read in paper form.
The transcripts are always more horrific than the audio.
Here’s my favorite quote, regarding COVID deaths:
How’s that kool aid taste?
If you expect me to feel anything resembling pity for the citizens of Missouri the answer to that would be: Are you fucking serious? They vote according to their interests, protecting whiteness. I mean am I supposed to be shocked that a Republican ass kisser is a soulless prick who doesn’t care about his constituents?…
OK. First of all, fuck you for trying to muddy up the waters by claiming that the protesters were chanting to “burn it all down” or were specifically threatening these people or their home. That is not true. That is a lie and you are garbage.
But you are more than garbage, you are stupid. You are using the scraps of…
That’s odd. I would have expected there to be more P in the list of Trump transgressions.
I’m enjoying the Twitter backlash against TLOU2 myself.
Just stop. Alright? Just stop. 2.4 million dead since 2003, and this Syrian conspiracy theory spread by Georges Sada with no evidence - even in his book, he just says that it was something he heard - still lives.
Sounds like a great time to go golfing.
GOD do you liberals have to make everything partisan just beca-
Ahahaha j/k Trump’s absolutely an incompetent mass-murderer and for as long as we’re stuck with him, we might as well play some fun games and shout his incompetence as often as possible.
GOD do you liberals have to make everything partisan just beca-
Ahahaha j/k Trump’s absolutely an incompetent…
Dunno if I’ll pay it but I’ll watch the everliving shit out of a speedrun of it.
Its my favorite too. By far. Purple Haze is Delicious. Champagne on the other hand... disgusting!
Lol crap. Purple Haze is my favorite flavor and I’m completely addicted to it. I was actually heart broken to see it’s your least favorite!
The only comfort I can find these days is listening to various governors discuss this crisis. They will get their citizens through it. The idiot in chief is still in denial - “Chinese virus, we had the best economy ever under me, I’ve done a great job”. The depth of his denial of responsibility is incomprehensible.