
Sorry, atheist here. But thanks for trying to impose your imaginary deity, over my imaginary Red Suited toy deliverer. Have a great day, and Merry Christmas!

You had better finish them all before then. Once the baby's here, you can forget gaming. That thing called a good nights sleep? It's going to go away for a while. Once my twins started sleeping through the night, I finally was able to play for a little while, but expect interruptions. Thankfully they're 12 now.

Got my kids a WiiU (Zelda Windwaker Edition) and they love the crap out of it. The only problem I've had with it, is creating my Nintendo ID. The servers are apparently getting hammered by new users (Yes, people actually bought these for Xmas.), and I keep getting an error message to try again later. The kids are

Aliens: Colonial Marines, $1.99?

Consider me one of those who felt the same about the game. The story and character acting were easily the best of the year. Game play however was mediocre and clunky. Stealth that broke constantly, no matter what you did. Weapons that were completely useless, (smoke bomb) severe ammo imbalance. (Bad guys always have

This is a perfect example to use when people complain that "the CGI was terrible" in movies where it more than likely isn't.

Or fart....

Well, I totally got the brothers mixed up thinking it was Dzhokha and not Tamerlan, despite reading it through. Derp on me. At any rate, I still call bullshit. Especially if Dzhokha tries to say he was mentally ill like his brother was *supposedly*. His brother didn't have to do what Tamerlan did, he did it because he

I call total bullshit. He's just working the system to try and get a better jail sentence by pleading some sort of mental illness. No doubt he'll plead that to a jury as well. Yeah. Right. A mental illness he shared with his brother, right? Who was in total agreement with him, and was totally willing to murder

If they cut out about 45 minutes of the stupid, pointless crap in Lone Ranger, it would actually be a watchable film. It has some really good moments, and some decent action scenes. This film is the reason Bruckheimer is no longer with Disney.

Flagged for copyright infringement under YouTubes new rules yet?

He didn't actually kill Bill Paxton's character in True Lies, he was just imagining it. So, does it still count?

Didn't John Byrne do a story years later during his run about people in a town being affected by the milk from these Skrull Cows? I can't remember, and my comics are in storage.

And only Tom Cruise can figure anything out........

Their last few efforts have slipped into the realm of rock/rap now mixed with dubstep in some cases, and I just can't stand dubstep (Fucking Skrillex) so I really don't listen to their stuff anymore. However, Chester Bennington and Stone Temple Pilots collaborating together on a new album after rightfully sacking

Though the image isn't that big, it's painfully obvious in that Team Youngblood pic, the archers (too lazy to look up his dumb name) bow is going UNDER his thumb, and is not being gripped by it. Seriously, how lazy is that? Then again, it's Liefeld.

WHAT!!!! YOU HAD A PARTY?!?! WELL GOOD THING NO ONE IS SHOUTING AT YOU OVER THE INTERNETS RIGHT NOW!!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A HANGOVER OR ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she immediately covers her mouth realizing, OOPS!!


Did he try unplugging it and then plugging it back in?