
Yeah, I broke a Dualshock 3 during my 1st Dark Souls playthrough. It was one of those fabulous, you win the battle, but die, and have to do it all over again things. I raged pretty hard and hummed the controller into a corner. Plastic went flying. I had to chill out and not play it for a few days after that.

I'm all for stuff like this. Just don't pull crap like they did over at Huffington Post, where you now have to "validate" your account by connecting it to Facebook. All your posts now have your "real name" attached to them, all in the name of "promoting better discussion". You also have to allow Huffington Post access

The Room is a great game. Free is even better.

I've got about 6 beer recipes each in separate tabs open right now. I often have about 15 to 20 open at all times, depending on.. whatever is currently occupying my interests.

Played this for about an hour today. Got fed up with the "power meter" your birds have, then found out you can only "recharge" them with crystals or some nonsense, or wait 15 minutes or longer. So I deleted it. You can do a micro-transaction and spend real money, or you can wait a predetermined amount of time for them

Starship Troopers 4: Cruise Control

Where were these clowns when Sim City launched?

Strange that you never saw who was driving the car, nor did you ever hear that they caught who did it. Hell, they didn't even try. Also, Stewie giving up almost instantly after finding out he couldn't get a part for his machine? Please. Couldn't be more obvious. The new dog, who's name I can't even recall is just an

Now playing

Best (and most honest.) trailer for this ever.

How bad was Oblivion? Well i figured out the "twist" in the story while watching the trailer. It couldn't have been more obvious. Tom Cruise as usual, plays Tom Cruise, IN THE FUTURE. It's amazing how Cruise has gotten a career out of playing the same role his entire life.

Heh, you said "ball drop"....

Sorry, but I never once encountered any game related bugs the two times I played through it on PC.


Sometimes a visit to your local store is a good idea. I've looked up deals on their site, that have said "no stock" in my local Best Buy, and lo and behold they had some on the shelf. Of course the opposite of this has been true as well at Best Buy. Hey, it's Best Buy.

The South Park creators (Matt & Trey) have always said they are equal opportunity offenders. No one is safe. No. One. They will literally pick on everyone, anyone, and anything if it catches their interest, regardless of religion (Mohammed episodes anyone?) sex, politics, ect. ect. ect. Quite literally, everything is

I laughed pretty hard at that. However, I laughed even harder at the comments of people saying "Is this on purpose?" or "Is this racist?"

I remember the other good Wonder Woman series.....

"40. Kentucky"

Yep. That's it.

What? Did she see a coked-up, skank-bag has-been, and assumed IT MUST BE MEEEE!!!!