
Uhhhh.... Fap?

Arnie is Austrian. They make him sound French in this. Lame.

The only redeeming part of this episode is the fact that the horrid Dr. Pulaski is never seen again after this. No sendoff, no goodbye. Just gone. Thankfully to be replaced by Gates McFadden again.

You are absolutely correct. Both of these shows had no idea where they were headed, Lost even more so than BSG. Making it up as they went along, indeed.....

Star Trek: Voyager - "Threshold" Shuttle test breaks warp 10. People devolve into slugs and mate. Have offspring. Get better. Completely ignore the fact that any of that happened. I quit watching the show regularly after this episode. Even the producers admitted it was a turd of an episode.

I'm Ok with the car. The Ghost Rider's face however is just stupid looking. Just terrible. Edit: I see it's supposed to be his helmet that transforms with the face. Still, terrible.

Beyond: Two Souls for PS3 is going to to be $25, on Amazon starting in about 8 hours. (Eastern time)

I've been playing Clumsy Ninja the last few days. It's free, and a cute game. Only when you aren't constantly bumping into a paywall every five minutes to speed stuff up. FFS at least give me the option of a paid version that has no pay to play limits. I'll happily pay a few bucks for a game over not-really-free any

Yeah who knows what those 200 pennies could have bought you instead? ;)

State of Decay is FINALLY on sale.

Finish Dark Souls and we'll see.

Got this free with my PS+ a while back, so I decided to finally try it out after all the controversy, and having played the very dodgy and poor demo of it, I was kind of concerned. But hey, it was free. Turns out it was a really decent game. Maybe someone could salvage the IP, and try again, or even finish off the MMO

If I were playing Dark Souls, and and it was recording, there's no way in the world that I would NOT be swearing. Actually, just insert any insanely difficult game in lieu of DS, and the result is the same.

Like the ones that will spend an entire game session calling you a "fag" or some other fun comment in their per-pubecent squeak? Yeah, I agree: FUCK! THAT! SHIT!

Yes, because people were just DEMANDING for a free version of Rainbow Six: Vegas. A game that was old when I bought my old, fat PS3.

Don't forget, Sony also gave us a code for $10 in the PS Store in our PS4's. (hope no one threw out that card) You could buy a game with that, if any of them are cheap enough, and for the PS4. Alternatively, you can use it on your PS3 as well. So it's like another free game.

Congrats to Brawl in the Family. I finally laughed at your comic.

So Doc Ock is back to his old habits i see. (Check out Superior Spider Man for fuller, lamer, story.)

Man of Steel: Worlds Finest

Well, in my neck of the woods, returns / exchanges shouldn't be a problem, my local Best Buy had a bunch in stock when I went in to pick up my Zelda: Link Between Worlds.