
Ive never seen one mention in any articles about how true to the hacker ethios Hackers is (even while being fantastic) that the likely reason for that is the movies technical advisor Emmanuel Goldstein editor and publisher of 2600 the hacker quarterly.(and driving force behind the H.O.P.E conference)

The only problem with violent first person shooters are the 12 year olds trying out the salty language they learned at school. I am a bit concerned about the number of white suburban tweens that think using the n word or calling everyone faggot is super cool.

Actually I didn’t know that you got to keep the 360 games even if your gold subscription ran out..that’s good info. Thanks.

Every new regeneration in the modern series seems to do this. They seem genuinely excited to see what the TARDIS comes up with for their new selves.It’s probably due to the fact that they are still becoming who they are and integration with their previous selves.

I instantly thought this was going to be a callback to “the planet of the spiders”. it’s odd that the doc was forced to regenerate because of Metebelis spider venom but was totally relaxed around hundreds of lethal arachnids. 

The big problem I’ve always had with the “little free library” is that they extort money from you to “register” and list your library box. I just have to imagine there are little free library snitches out there narking out "infringers"

If the new trek shows are put behind yet another paywall then I’m not interested.

It's not like they weren't telegraphing an overdose from the first time they showed Roseanne hiding pills. This was a tightly controlled secret in the way the end if every Friday the 13th movie is..

Giving way to much creedence to the “fox news organization” and it’s devotees. There certainly are intelligent people who are devotees of the channel but those people are using the idiocy that comes from fox to control legions of brain damaged, racist homophobic mouth breathers.

Oh good I almost forgot that game..boy do I feel old

All the epyx sports games were fun and my buddies and I spent 2 years beating pool of radiance. The fast loader cartridge from epyx was a nice plus.

Yeah they will maintain the game... just long enough to avoid a class action lawsuit from people who bought it

I fully admit I like that slim shady song but why does anyone give any creedence to someone who has been a total artistic disappointment for nearly a generation? It's super apparent that you suffer from " if it isn't big in the USA it doesn't exist" syndrome with your snarky comments about Die Antwoord.

Her big problem was trying to backtrack on single payer/ Medicare for all at the last second.

The discount was the only reason I did pre orders... Next news " game developers cry about lack of pre orders"

The discount was the only reason I did pre orders... Next news " game developers cry about lack of pre orders"

“In an age of affordable beauty, there was something heraldic about his lack of it” William Gibson Neuromancer.

Yep...he's going to get his 5 seconds of chud fame. Faux news is probably going to be giving him a call. I'm sure his mother and his sister (same person) will be proud

“no true Scotsman”.... good job dude

No Johnny would have given him a Mosrite enema