Ahhh another "cultural Marxism" maga chud. You do realize that outside the brietbart belt that phrase has 0 meaning.
Ahhh another "cultural Marxism" maga chud. You do realize that outside the brietbart belt that phrase has 0 meaning.
Yes and depending on what type of scene it is they generally end up getting run outta the venue in like five minutes. Try that Nazi skinhead shit at a sick of it all show and you will be sitting outside sieg hileing to your shadow.
Too bad he didn't get brained with a guitar. You go to a punk show especially one that has a definite left bent and act the fool then you rightly get lumped up.
Know how you can tell Hardwick is guilty as sin?
Wow how many libertarian fools play video games? Apparently all if them
How very libertarian of you.
Or perhaps mabey she’s a total dickhead because she receives on a daily basis messages from people (read men here) that suggest they know her job better. It’s all a matter of perspective .
I’m not a person of color and I’ve never been treated to this level of hostility but the last few years have been pretty bad for people with ainxiety disorders.
It’s the streisand effect writ large. The author took a game that would normally only appeal to white power alpha males and #maga chuds and made it famous... good job.
What I see as the main problem is no matter WHAT steam does someone or some group will find they didn’t go far enough or went too far.
No. We. Need to stop letting food service owners pay slave wages and putting the onus on customers to make up the difference.
How was it a botched ending? Does everything have to have a nice little bow and give you life affirming vibes?
I sacrifice this thread to Odin.
No that’s the technical boy. There’s also a new media. There’s a scene in the book where all the disparate “new God’s” are trying to recruit Shadow.
Sickening. I wish I never gave these a - holes my money. It’s not surprising though because every company that has “intellectual property” is looking to make a killing in perpetuity by slapping a © or ® on something even if they did get the idea from the commons or another artist. In the end it will be down to who had…
So most of the “chapters” read like a bad GWAR skit.(R.I.P. orderous)
The whole energy system is really awful and felt somewhat abusive. Your energy always runs out at some type of crisis point. It’s totally not ok to use financial means to Pace the game and it really seems that’s what was done here.
Some of these streaming guys make way more than I do working 50+ hours a week in a factory. You are operating on a badly dated stereotype. Watch a little closer most steamers spend hours every day in promotion and hustle. It looks exhausting frankly.
Hmmm.. Given the choice between some hack from the av club or Neil Degrasse Tyson who should I listen too?