
Did... did you just say this is worse than actually flipping the bird...

They do have this very creepy “Svengali and his young ingenue” vibe going on. I feel like JLaw made a deal with the Hollywood devil (metaphorically speaking lol don’t @ me with conspiracy theories)

Darren Aronofsky is a downgrade from Chris Martin

Wolf Children made me bawl.

What it lacks in flash, it makes up for by being rather unimpeachable.

Eh, Instagram is a convenient way for young artists to advertise their stuff nowadays.

Since we’re wandering aloud, yes, I do think Anderson would have rolled his eyes at a male idiot in the administration.

It’s high school, but the main point is that people seem to be allergic to paying artists, like what they put out there is suddenly public domain and they should feel grateful for the publicity if people steal their work. But you can’t eat publicity.

If his “smug marketing strategy” involves avoiding a series of cringey Jimmy Fallon-esque interviews, not tweeting constantly, and just sticking to music—like playing on Fallon’s show—then, uhh, sure, I’ve “bought” into it. In that case I sure wish more artists would be “coy” and stick to making music.

Lol I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to be defending his “understated smugness.”

To be fair, he’s not out here calling the paps to be photographed or putting himself on late-night talk shows. He’s simply writing things on his blog and making his music. It can’t be helped if people react and make news out of it.

I love love love Moss in everything I’ve seen her in, but my worry now is that Scientology will sink its hooks deeper as she gets more famous.

I still honestly do not understand how people are cutting themselves. That’s how my entire family has been doing this all their lives with no injury. The key is simply: be careful, make sure it’s ripe, and go slow. Maybe keep the pit in and use it as a pivot if you want.

You’d think the Silicon Valley gurus behind Juicero and Smalt would already have invented an $800 “avocado preparer.”


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, a babadook renting a room inside a lizard person

To be fair, you need that one crazy person to devote 100+ hrs to counteract the legions of fanboy comments that say “Just stick it out, it gets better! You just haven’t played it enough to get used to it!”

Pic of HCBU Presidents with Trump, except all their faces are the MJ crying face.

That’s so weird to me. Like, I get the idea that you don’t want to be annoying and namedrop. But if someone literally asks you where you went to college then why be weird about it instead of just telling them?

what kind of insult is it when you’re REALLY insulting the person behind the people you’re obviously insulting