
“Classy? She used to be one of Heidi Fleiss’ girls.”

It’s obviously wrong, but our convo was breezy and “keep it cute” is a common phrase when you’re not trying to say something harsh or negative, even though it may be warranted. I didn’t want to derail the convo, so we kept it moving.

“The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005"

I didn’t know this was a thing until just now. I googled, viewed some articles, and.... I don’t get it. I’m hashtag blessed I guess.

OK, that I can relate to. I spend a lot of time after hikes looking like a bored toddler while my bf interrogates the ranger about plants or something like that. The we-drove-here-together trap.

Is it a white guy? Gotta be a white guy. I watched that show for a minute but from what I can tell, it’s a white guy.

Eh, it can make sense if you live a long distance from the mall and have some shared chores to take care of in the area. Then it becomes a decision about how much waiting is worth a carpool or if shopping deserves a separate trip.

We all have to find our own ways to cope with this.

Am I supposed to never have a dog because my boyfriend is allergic?

I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much. I know I’m a lot of fun to place your issues on, but I won’t let anyone hang their hat on this peg. Not this time.

I didn’t say that. Natural aging is fabulous. I mentioned these two ladies elsewhere, but Jane Goodall and Linda Rodin are icons of mine. Both have chosen 100-percent natural aging, and they are very beautiful. I do have an issue with older women (basically my peers, btw) who seem to take it personally when one of

To be clear, the Vicente Fox video is not shade. It was, however, pure poetry.

I was loathe to see A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. That was just a few years after Let The Right One In (photo). I had convinced myself Girl Walks Home was just another entry in the “lonely young Persian female vampire” genre and therefore a ripoff.

Lol. “In my limited experience” is the opposite of “I will now speak on behalf of all Iranians.” It’s just a pattern I’ve noticed, in personal conversations, and in things I’ve read. I’ve seen enough Iranians be testy about it that I was caught off guard when she said she is brown. That is all.

It was my reading of the original question, more than anything stated in the interview. Do bad things happen to black people in the movie? Yes, they do. Do bad things happen to white people? Yes, they do. Not really much of an issue as bad things happen to everyone.

Maybe she was just sick of people reading way too much into a scene and getting offended? Someone comes up to you and asks why all the black characters get the worse deaths and you just want to roll your eyes because every death was gruesome, but that person is seeing their own biases. Yeah... I can imagine she was

I didnt think that the movie was racist - bad things happen to everyone in that crap sack world, regardless of skin color. It didnt seem to be saying “Hey! lets murder and eat some black people!” or anything.

Pot meet y’all both can go into the dustbin of yesterday’s music.

It’s more the fact that he can be killed with 2 correct reads.

The idea is to prove that Akuma isn’t as viable because you’re not allowed to make any mistakes or else you’ll die in two combos.