
1st: That could really mean anything. You can already see the Ghost in the trailer, so maybe that’s what he’s refrencing.

I don’t understand people’s frustration with TLJ. I’ve always felt so much bad happened in the Star Wars universe because the Jedi adhered so strongly to their beliefs. The story was always the same. They were forced to leave their loved ones, told not to love, etc., and shit eventually came back to bite them in the

There’s absolutely no way that’s happening. People just do not accept anything over $500 for a console. PS4Pro will basically be 4 years old by the time PS5 is out and that was $400.

The problem is that the Jedi’s thought balance means the elemination of the Dark Side. But what Clone Wars, the present trilogy, and Fallen Order have all been leaning toward is that the split is bad. In all three pieces of media there seem to be those who reject the idea of the Jedi’s being paragons.

The Qui Gon Jinn

“Another guiding principle we had was there are no final victories,” he said. “Every generation have to sort of take up the struggle again. Fight old evil in new forms.”

Johnson labored under the incorrect and arrogant delusion that there was something about Star Wars that needed fixing.

Now playing

When watching Shin Godzilla with a group of friends there is a scene where the latest evolution of Godzilla comes out of the water and they use an old soundtrack for it...

You took the thought out of my brain. Once he praised the lord for his 68m in tax cuts, rather than review if paying millions on cement furniture was a smart move, everyone should have seen this for what it is.

He’s using religion to shield himself from criticism, to hold himself as infallible and to act as a conduit for his god, effectively making himself the voice of his god.

Koonye has fallen into the white supremacist prosperity gospel cult that runs the Republican party and wants to turn this country into an autocratic theocracy. It’s no surprise that the album is at number one because the fuck nugget cultists buy up literal shit because their pimp pastors tell them to support a fellow

Sources with knowledge of the situation have revealed the name of the employee Easterbrook had his relationship with:

GoT was incredible from beginning

Wow, misrepresenting (or just wildly misunderstanding) the complaints of the last season, while calling names for not sharing your devotion.

GoT was incredible from beginning to end!

Bad take.
The last season was terribly written and it had nothing to do with it not ending the way we liked. You enjoying it is fine - you dismissing criticism because you enjoyed it is not fine, just childish.

The problem wasn’t how it ended, it was the execution (which was rushed and perfunctory).

Couldn’t have said it better myself lol.

I doubt he used a priceless cultural artifact to make a dismissive point to someone he disliked regardless of the laws surrounding it. Probably a replica. The man rarely wastes words on people, much less artifacts, so I doubt neither he nor any producer that worked for him would take it that far no matter what the law

Thank God. Mononoke is one of the greatest animated films of all time, and my personal favorite Miyazaki film.