I appreciate that he kept that same energy instead of pretending to be sorry. He’s trash, and he’ll remain a trash individual, but at least we won’t have to sit through a fake redemption tour while he still hates the LGBT community.
I appreciate that he kept that same energy instead of pretending to be sorry. He’s trash, and he’ll remain a trash individual, but at least we won’t have to sit through a fake redemption tour while he still hates the LGBT community.
No please no. The symmetrical sticks might be the main reason I chose a PS system to start with. It feels so much more natural
Fam! I did the expedite shipping on SE’s store, I got the 1st Class Edition! I already brought a digital copy which will be predownloaded tomorrow.
Fucking over Walmart, Target, Best Buy and mom and pops? Hell, Amazon? Dude, you didn’t think your comment though before you posted it, did you?
Uh, money.
lol, it has nothing to do with completeness.
I only care about one thing and thats the fact they confirmed that there will be no more reinstalls of games after even the smallest of patches. Thats the game changer for me. All the little things that make it seem like its gonna be less powerful (when it probably wont be or if it is not by much) really seem to me…
Can you share the secrets of eternal youth with me? Since I don’t think I’ll be alive long enough to get the entire FFVII Remake with DLC in a GOTY edition.
Final Fantasy VII Remake better look both ways before crossing the street...
He should just cancel a whole console. Watchout PS5 and Xbox X.
Remove those words from your filthy, filthy mouth, you monster.
The FF7 remake if he plans to go any bigger
Jason does it again. His highest profile target yet
Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.
Don’t know why Chuck D. tolerated Flav’s madness for so long. He’s been an embarrassment to what the group stood for and the legacy of Public Enemy. A welcome move. Don’t know why this is being used to jab the Sanders campaign.
And this take is why they shouldn’t have done it. Not because you’re right, but because you’re wrong.
I find this whole “Pay $60 for 1/20 of the game is dumb” argument to be ridiculously stupid. You do realize that you’re paying not for the story but the new game in its entirety right? If you just want the story, I have news for you, just don’t buy it and watch a LetsPlay. You think Square can just crap out games of…