
The whole world may be ending or not who knows - but I never thought I’d get to see more stories in this universe and I’m so thankful for it. The Clone Wars remain my favorite Star Wars media since the OT.

Uh...what? The original was not “cartoony”. It was anime. Also, the characters in the Remake are faithfully based off of their original designs. Your comment is hyperbolic in every way, at the very least

Martha Momma told Snoop to apologize, eh? That’s cool. Forgive but never forget, you fucked up, Calvin, you will need to work to re-claim that status you had in the community (for fucking what, I don’t know, y’all who worship troglodytes like him have your janky ass reasons, I guess).

My favorite part about Nintendo’s change to doing Directs is that you never know when they’re going to drop one. Randomly, they’ll announce “Yo, we’re doing a direct next week” and that kinda makes them their own mini surprise events.

Nintendo has via it’s Directs proven that E3 is no longer the ‘must attend’ show for ages now. Honestly, for the cost of showing at E3, it does make more sense for all of the big three to simply put on smaller, more focused shows that will not only create more buzz for the games and consoles, but can be enjoyed by far

1. The questions Gayle asked and the manner she asked them were inappropriate at this time. It was disrespectful, as a human to the family and friends of the deceased. She was wrong and should apologize.

Respect the family and back off, Bitch,” the rapper, author and TV personality spat at the screen, adding, “Before we come get you.” What say Martha Stewart & the Snoop/Stewart TV producers?

Some of The Root’s frequent commenters are also known for defending the celebrities who bashed the likes of Gayle and Oprah for daring to question the wrongdoings of black men, just because.

I know this won’t ever be addressed, and I’ll probably get dragged for mentioning this at all, but this is one of the reasons

Kanye seems to be caught up in that “thinking the opposite of what people are used to means I’m thinking freely” mentality that most people grow out of in adolescence. That doesn’t make you a free thinker, just a contrarian. You’re still just as concerned with what other people think.

Another day, another delay reported by Jason Schreier, the oracle of delayed games.

Jason if you could quit delaying or cancelling games this year that’d be great, thanks.

Yes, exactly this. In the original game every major act break is preceded by Sephiroth stalling the party by siccing a piece of Jenova’s remains on them.

Calm yourself. It remains to be seen whether this is an issue or not.
Re: Why would Sephiroth be on the highway? The answer is pretty simple. Think about what just escaped from Shinra Tower and started heading for Kalm (probably not on a motor bike, ergo you could catch up with them). In the original you catch up with

You guys who are asking for some 1:1 remake are lost. I don’t get your mindset, and it always appears you are oblivious to the fact that a form of media that existed <x> number of years ago, which is later recreated or revisited for a new era, will be different.

I respect your response, but I feel quite differently. I would’ve been turned off if all they had done was adapted FF7 blow by blow. (Not to the level of a hashtag, but in the “unlikely to buy at release” camp.) I’ve already played that game. I go back and play it sometimes. It’s great; just port it periodically so

“completely fabricated events that never happened” is a weird thing to get mad about. You are aware the original game wasn’t a documentary, right? 

It’s so depressing to see another one of my trans sisters pass away. She was an amazing gamer and a brave, beautiful woman. I know there are ignorant people in the comment section of this post, but their uneducated ramblings cannot tarnish her legacy and accomplishments. She has inspired transgamers everywhere. We're

I lost my wife, who was only 36, earlier this month and losing someone so young, unexpectedly, just doesn’t feel real. It feels like she is just out of town and will come walking through the door any moment. The sadness that comes when you realize that will never happen can be incredibly overwhelming.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

Really highlights what a miss making default male V the Generic Video Game White Dude was. We might have a soft spot in our hearts for featureless default BroShep but it’s not 2007 anymore, and the source material certainly doesn’t lend itself to such a white bread nobody as its poster child.