
why make The Dark Tower into a movie at all if you’re not going to bring its best moments to life?

Uh Mercenaries are soldiers for hire, not spies. They operate in the open.

Why couldn’t they have made her like she was in the comic.

See, stuff like this is where the show loses me. We’re supposed to believe that Dany had enough time to get from a green screen studio in Belfast all the way to Westeros in time to attack the Lannister army?

Oooh edgy.

Though you have to admit, as a mercenary, it would be hard to hide in plain sight when your skin is the color of a French mime.

Who hurt you?

Okay, let’s officially start the betting pool for number of pouches.

Gold made it before the battle. There was a line about it passing Kings Landing Gates. It was in beginning by Sam’s Daddy. Jamie was personally escorting it so why the heck was he at the back of the bus after their victory? Time and distance really is screwed up this season.

There isn’t a better way to let the resident lecherous creepy asshole know that you can see his entire past than to throw his own motto back in his face before he can spit it at you.


This comment is the funk of forty thousand years.

“If you were raised properly”

This is gospel, all of it.

My queen also wants you to swear loyalty to her or she’ll have her dragons burn you, did I mention she has dragons?”

Sansa: [trying to read over Jon’s shoulder] “Did he say anything about me?”

Dude, stop acting like your conclusions are fact. Grey Worm is alive, the show wouldn’t kill a major character by implication because you looked at the fictional map and decided that they would have done something. Would sailing together as a fleet to Sunspear and then breaking off make sense? Perhaps! Is that what