
You are a God among insects. Never let anyone tell you different.

Until such time, and better hands...

So does this mean that Marvel is getting at least some of the FF-based IP back?

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

have at least two very undead giants

This game looks amazing and superior to MvC Infinite. I hope there’s an awesome story mode too.

Not hot enough to get Death’s attention

Already seeking the next challenge. Ceremony means nothing to him her.

I have literally tears in my eyes. I was dreaming bout such a game since I saw anime for the first time :D

“it’s cool to hate America these days”

From a concept video for PS3, to an episodic announcement for PS4, will we play it first on PS5 then have it ported to the Switch 3....

Symphony of the Night (PSN). That’s probably the most well-received sort-of modern day rendition of the Castlevania series that spawned Metroidvania game design philosophy.

Hot damn, my little girl and I had a blast last night. We caught a late showing and didn’t get out till 1 am, but the trooper stayed awake the whole time. Always a sign she’s into the flick. Also, good to see Ben Browder show up.

Seriously, you’d think they were working together at this point. It’s pretty much the only way to find Nintendo products.

People boasting about their emulation setup:gamers::people boasting about their fantasy teams and poker beats:sports fans

Motherfuckers, they are gonna stop production and then turn around and announce Snes classic aren’t they? Maintain the hype of the Nes and move that momentum to the next product. It’s a cold calculated business move. 

Nintendo must love losing money to scalpers.
