
Sasha definitely took the pill. She found a way to use the weapon that she had asked Eugene for the way she wanted to use it. It was really creative and cool.


Love it when characters are forced to make terrible decisions because their actors got a better gig.

Ugh, another day another Uber hit piece. At least this time the Sponsored Lyft post didn’t appear two articles below like last time, as if to obliterate any illusion of objectivity Gizmodo may have. What’s more, one has to wonder if these articles would be so frequent and vitriolic had the company not come out as a

Yeah but Nick kind of were disrespectful towards the property with how they handled the last little bit of Korra. The creators wrote the upcoming Darkhorse comic I believe so they want to work with it, I think it’s that they don’t want to work with Nick.

i would do terrible terrible things for a new ronin warriors on netflix.

Which is a shame since they just seem to be farming out the franchise intermittently to comics but letting it languish otherwise.

Just finished season 2 the other day. There’s something about well choreographed 2D action that leaves me in awe.

I don’t know you, but I’m so proud of you right now, like you’re one of my own children. I want to print this comment out and put it on my fridge right next to Echo Jr.’s spelling test.

Jesus christ, sparrow us the puns.

I don’t have any good avian puns so owl just see myself out.

Hope they don’t get out of hand, or the flight might have to tern back.

They probably are subject to those cheap-ass restrictions seeing as though the airline just wants to hawk all the seats at the lowest price.

As long as they meet all of the quail-ifications.

If I find out it was a fake photo, I’m totally going to talon the person that ‘shopped it.

I wonder if the birds are subject to carrion regulations?

This kid draws really well.

I really really really really hope Shiro makes it. I love that guy, and I need to see him use that bayard as he just got it from Zarkon.

I’m seeing conflicting reports:

It’s a Mario-themed Run Yourself Ragged!