
why couldnt it be Trump? crap there is no justice.

Still not as scary looking as these two

I’m actually a little tired already of the “hot take” that Tarkin was bad or uncanny CGI. Two of the people we went to see the movie with didn’t have any peripheral knowledge of Peter Cushing or the fact that he’s been dead for over 20 years. They had no idea who the rest of us were talking about when we were gushing

Everyone I know who has no idea who Peter Cushing is or that he’s dead had no idea that it was CG. Whereas quite a few people found Leia unnerving (I keep hearing the term “doll”), but I honestly think they forget she was an anime-eyed, heavily-rouged, round-faced teenager in the first film. Honestly, both looked

Very, very rare. If you tailgate in with the next prior group, the gate agent will almost always let you through. But you still need to show that ticket!

This is all true tho! LOL I’m fine thank you for asking friend!! I’m hoping to post my FFXV review soon I just have to make sure its spoiler free. >-<


It’s such a stupid struggle to have in this current reality, IMO. It’s the goddamn zombie apocalypse. You have to defend yourself and kill people who try to kill you, period. That’s what pisses me off about Carol—she knows this. Stupid Morgan infected her with his bullshit.

When that guy asked Carol somewhat condescendingly if she knew how to fight or whatever I LOL’d.

The Carol thread is annoying as shit. If she wants people to leave her a world where the Saviors exist...she’s gonna have to travel a bit further than a couple blocks from The Kingdom.

Justice League 2: Justice Boogaloo


Thank god for the goalie, basically the only one to realize this dude was out cold. That could have gone really bad very fast with all those blades dancing about nearby

It’s more like Konami used to be your best friend, but as you two grew up and went down similar career paths, he became much larger than you, bought your business, closed it, sued you for some bullshit reason you couldn’t fight because he was too powerful, and now you have your back against a wall with no way out.

You spend 6 years working on a game as the lead then get kicked in the balls for it. That’s a large portion of a man’s life that Konami wanted to sweep under a rug.

Forgot to add, god damn it, i really miss

Kojima will have a 2nd renaissance while Konami will fuck-off into obscurity, that’s Karma.

Dang, Kojima’s getting good at his English. You could tell he stuttered a bit and probably wanted to revert to Japanese, but he muscled through it. What a guy.

You’re pissed because you were rightfully scolded for making a desperate for a star stupid joke about the recording quality from someone who is on the scene, and is in actual, real danger, in a place where multiple people have been killed.

Yeah. Fuck off. Think before you speak, and then, maybe don’t speak at all.