
There is a lot of people who seem to have an issue with ScarJo playing the role of Major... tell me, who would you put in that the average cinema go’er is actually going to either recognize or want to see? It’s easy to say it needs to be someone of Asian descent but I would argue that ScarJo is one of the hottest

Last I heard, both Masamune Shirow, and Mamoru Oshii are really liking what they’re doing. When the series creator, and the director of the original movie are both digging it, they must be doing something right.

Pence is who we all should be absolutely positively fucking terrified of.


Mike Pence is worse than Donald Trump.

You know Mike Pence is doing the Mr. Burns pointy fingers thing right now.

Negan was essentially asking Dwight if he’d sleep with his (Negan’s) wife. He’s trying to see if Dwight still wants to sleep with his ex. If he’s willing to do it when he gets a ‘free pass’, he may also be trying to get some behind Negan’s back... which is a grievous offense.

“Actually, I have some questions about the points system. Dwight works directly for Negan, so he gets to take whatever food or stuff he wants. Fine. But he still needs points to have sex with the ladies, because Negan gives him a freebie. How do Negan soldiers earn points? Are there special tasks? Do they also

I DVR TWD while watching Westworld. Very efficient. I knocked out last night’s episode in +/- 41 minutes.

I just want a scene w/ Lyanna Mormont and Olenna Tyrell before the show ends.

Plot twist: the pilot was Helmut Zemo.

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After seeing Citizen Four, there’s just simply no way that this movie would be worth seeing. Snowden’s story isn’t about love and romance. It isn’t about he and his girlfriend’s partnership. It’s about Snowden and the government and personal liberties, etc. Trying to make it acceptable for Hollywood is fucking stupid.

For me it really is a matter of who is taken out come the season premiere.

You got some reeeaaal beef with Ohio goin there. Who’s to say the people of that fine state won’t get a chance to catch a legendary, just because it’s not cold enough? Even Lebron moved there to get away from the heat.

Women can both kick ass and fall in love. Just like male superheroes.

Felt the emotions coming up. Looks damn near spot on perfect for a continuation of the Genesis games. Can’t wait to hear the soundtrack.

Well, the soundtrack of this series is a minimalist ambient electronic music, not far off from M83 or Kavinsky type of music.

We are getting ever closer to the day when I ditch my Cable subscription for Netflix.