
That must be the cloaked TIE fighter I heard about.


That was the most obnoxious piece of writing the show has ever done...Next to this cliff hanger that strips all the tension and emotion one would have felt at that moment. They didn’t even have to show the whole beating. Just the initial swing with the character in frame and falling over...cutting to black and hearing

Weaponize the joy and drop it on ISIS, Haliburton, and Zach Snyder. Watch ‘em melt, and world peace is achieved.

That’s the difference between a Pete Rozelle and this chromosome-deficient asshole. Trump — a terrible businessman — would run circles around Roger Goodell today, and we’d wind up with TrumpBall Presented by AT&T (f/k/a NFL) football on Sundays while the inbreds who own 70% of the league now counted their cash, and

In avoiding saying anything harsh toward the publisher, I will simply state this video is atrocious. You’re flying full speed at lighted poles around a baseball diamond that children are playing around. You’re flying a drone, full speed at a meshed fence that people are walking behind. I can’t express how many laws

I remember back when Gizmodo had technical writers who understood the technology, embraced the cutting edge, encouraged the path to growth and didn’t do dumb stuff they knew were past the limits of technology.

Well, I am Daredevil’s biggest flan...

It’s actually Join the Flan of the Month Club. Delicious flan’s fresh to your doorstep.

pumkin canon. Its the only answer.

This needs more stars, I don’t care if it’s only been up for 10 minutes.

Begun The Drone Wars Has

I nearly did put it in the first post, but I liked the brevity of the original joke, so yeah, glad I waited on that one.

Everybody around my desk is staring because of the involuntary “HAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!” that escaped my lips upon reading this.

I really liked how you had this second joke in reserve, but waited for someone to give you an opening rather than forcing it in the first post. Solid Kinja.

this guy’s on fucking FIRE

audibly said jesus christ at my desk. bastard.

That might’ve been better than your previous comment.

Jesus. There’s the And-1.