
No, the closest bomb he will get to see is hayden christiansons last performance.

Attention all parents: Introduce these films to your children.

At this point, I think I’d rather just see the EX characters integrated into the main Street Fighter line.

Like any regime, the first order did some unspeakable evils but also accidentally righted a few wrongs. The war on the Gungans, though unjust, certainly had a measure of schadenfreude.

Because other hobbies are more worthy? Music? Movies? Books? Spending countless hours every week watching sports, playing fantasy sports, memorizing stats etc is more valid? I have seen countless adults get irrationally upset when their teams don’t play well; some to the point of tears. Tell me how that is more

You guys need some better wives. My wife - a beautiful, intelligent Lebanese woman - frequently asks why we DON’T go to more midnight openings.

Or maybe they both were into this, both psyched about it, and it was a let down for both of them. Why people gotta hate? It wasn’t about the toys alone, it was the whole experience. His fiancée is obviously either willing to share in his interests or interested herself. Different strokes for different folks.

Dude, we are allowed to care about more than one thing. It is not a contest.

I didn’t really have any issue with the design but I do like this a lot better. Cammy is my favorite character after all.

Dude, it is obviously a part of a larger composition. Everyone just chill the fuck out, the final poster different will be.

Looks pretty different than his getup in the trailer (at least I assume that’s him):

  • No online pre-orders

No, not at all. Besides, I don’t really see Google really focusing on becoming a major producer of automobiles. This is purely speculation on my part, but I think if this technology can be perfected, it will end up being sold to other automakers to be integrated into a wide variety of models.

What’s so awesome is that he tried it at every show for two years.

Actually everything about The Black Panther says he has to be a Black African, but thanks for showing the kids what “being utterly freaking clueless under the delusion of being clever” looks like so they’ll know when they see it.

Other characters who got motorcycle toys:

Okay, now THAT is some next-level bullshit right there.

I’ve never once commented on deadspin or anywhere else, believe it or not, but this reporting on Mayweather is the best I’ve ever seen. On the night of the fight, to blatantly call out what an unrepentant wife beater he is, deserves more than applause. My despair over the demise of newspapers is tempered by this kind

Great reporting as always, Diana.

After reading so much bad journalism and shit reporting; Diana, this is the best piece of journalism I have read in a while. Good on you!