

i wish konami, who obvi doesn't have a problem raping our pockets for apiece of nostalgia... would just use the engine the was used for MGS2, and do a faithful remake of 1..... ugh im gonna end up buying this for my bday... happy bday to me Kojima, my wallet thanks you.. //side eye//

im loving all this MGS nerd talk <3 you rock! my MGS fire has been lit once again thanks to you! im breaking out the Hd collection this week and finally playing peacewalker.

HOW DARE someone even think of sending in this in to be recycled? You have to be either evil or dumb to do such a thing. at least sell it on Ebay so it can go to a happy home. that is the criminal part of all this.

i dont get it either. the original is a classic, the original armor is way more iconic. and the story was just fine. this is hollywood's way of wagging thei dick in the movie industry.. " hey look we can take old movies and revamp them and use super special effects'' WHATEVER. not hyped for this one bit.

LMFAO!!!! i seriously just spit at my screen when i read his comment. i can't even think of a witty reply, yours did the trick :)

i would love to know who do we need to hound to get REZ HD on PSN? its a crime against humanity i cant even enjoy the game. does anyone know the reason it has not been announced? thanks in advance.

damn straight!!!!!!!

story of my life. no lie i have Okami PS2 in shrink wrap in my drawer. i bought it as part of my "cool games i missed out on, and will pop in PS3 when i have time" its useless now lol.

very TRUE. and also we may get a sweet sequel!!!!

fair point lol. well thy better figure it out dammit :)

THIS. BETTER. DROP. ON. CONSOLES. or there will be hell to pay.

thats how it SHOULD read. but the PS3 bit was a way to catch attention,and justify its place on the site. although the post had me at "stabbing" to be honest lol.

thank you for posting this. im not gonna lie, i feel a bit sad, but i understand nothing lasts forever. im looking forward to reading up on how this all came to a head, and the new spidey.

and i love how you jumped to all those conclusions without even asking me first. lol sheesh! its not like i'm damning this new stuff or demanding they keep it old. its just fucking weird reading that sentence, being a avid reader since 1979 and fell off in 2000's.

"Ever since the death of Peter Parker,".... im sorry i stopped reading after that. what the hell is going on. wow marvel..... REALLY?

omg is that from Big Trouble in Little China? LOL

that's incorrect sir/madam. if future consoles go the way of steam where your games are stored via cloud, it would leave consoles just worrying about space for game saves. im not saying i would be for it, cause i like to have the physical media, but it could happen.

yeah its funny because his list further supplanted your theory even more. LMAO. i think someone needs to get Ace Attorney on speed dial. (^_^ )

Young Justice is soooo good. im upset im a bi behind on that show i may just download the whole season this weekend. DC cartoons are handled so well over the years . BTAS (Batman of 90's) is arguably the greatest American Syndicated TV Animated show, and teen titans turned heads as well.