
Revolver Ocelot? can i have a OSX Naked Snake OS?

can i ask a question? are you referencing the movie "Better of Dead" i just get that feeling. remember the scene where john cusack is always getting dusted by the asian dudes at the stop light?

i hear ya man. i got it as a gift :) ive been behind on buying games myself. heck i still need to buy Uncharted 3 (-_- )

RO is a very neat platformer. full of life and charm and very well made. im not into the 3d platformers from the rayman series at all so this might be the only Rayman game i will ever own.

cmon man! metal gear rex lego set!!! and it will include a lego liquid snake and battle damage gray fox. we can redo the scene where REX gives him the boot over and over again (sniff sniff)

ive seen videos of the game. at its core it is very much a beat em up in the vein of God of War. its just that AW will have its insane QTE moments in there.

/checks apartment for Metal Gear Rex Lego by nightstand/

"Almost as crazy as Nintendo putting F-Zero on the 3DS. "

i heard this from a somewhat reliable source.... apparently they dont want our moneys on cool things like Tron. that would destroy the chain of command in the new world order of redundancy and tear the very fabric upon which this world has been built upon.

im with you. and make that bad boy like a thousand pieces. my life would be complete. complete with Lego Liquid Snake and Lego Battle Damage Gray Fox.


not a rant... you speak undeniable truth. although i will tell you this is the INTERNET. undeniable truth and logic ain't welcome round these parts of this here town.


i would walk a thousand miles for a nice size lego lightcycle, sam, or flynn's white bike from TL. im curious to see a lego technix version.

Now playing

i will eat my hat if Tony can secure all of the music that was in the THPS1-3 series. yes the game was pure SB arcadey goodness. but everyone remembers how awesome the music was as well. i will reserve judgement until i see the final product. damn... i know this song wasnt in THPS but i always used to play alot of

im kind of ashamed for missing that important detail lol this definitely just made the vita a must buy!

im confused.. so vita is getting MGS hd collection as well? wow thats pretty awesome, i don't kno why i overlooked that.

having a living thing inside your body die by no fault of your own.... its pretty fucking deep and i'm a man and obviously incapable of having a child. once you know it lives inside of you obviously there is going to be an emotional bond that carries from pregnancy to birth and onward.